Chapter 9 - That Unconditional Love

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It was taking every inch of my soul to restrain my outrage as the woman sobbing on my chest wouldn't like the idea of hurting his husband for any reason, that man had hurt her again with his brutal words not even caring what they would do to her f...

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It was taking every inch of my soul to restrain my outrage as the woman sobbing on my chest wouldn't like the idea of hurting his husband for any reason, that man had hurt her again with his brutal words not even caring what they would do to her fragile soul but that blind man couldn't see the truth lying beneath in her eyes, didn't even bother to because it was easy for him to accept her as the culprit of his heartbreak instead of taking her as a victim of circumstances.

She didn't deserve any of his hatred, she only deserved love and she would have it because I am going to make sure of it.

"Sameer, I am sorry I --- "

I just sighed and didn't even dare to touch her knowing it wouldn't be right and just patted her head softly.

"You don't have to be, Ruhi. I am sorry for being the reason for this, I thought he would act decent once he saw you but I guess I was wrong".

But somewhere I genuinely believed that once he saw you, his anger would disappear; that's how love works right?

Finally, she moved away and now I could feel her soft gaze eyeing me with an odd glint that I had never witnessed in her before. I averted my gaze from her, gulping slightly because I knew she still didn't like me addressing her as Ruhi but what could I do as for me she is my Ruhi, the girl who had dreams, who wanted to live her life to the fullest and wanted to fall in love, build a family and stay happy as long as she could make it but she is not happy even after having everything, the sadness of her eyes always speaks everything whether she tells me or not.

"Sameer, you can call me Ruhi now".

A smile crept on my lips as my eyes watched her happily for so many reasons.


She nodded but her forced smile didn't convince me so I just sighed and asked for her hand. I held it gently, caressing her fingers to ease her, and hoped she didn't feel uneasy because of my feelings.

"You are reeling his bad words in your head, aren't you?"

Her eyes froze as I just sighed again and squeezed her hand more strongly trying to be there as her friend as close as possible because it was hard for me too; I wished that too maybe one day she would look at me the way she looked at him.

It was agonizing to watch her looking at him with so much love and him not even bothering to feel her existence, the truth behind her soulful gaze that she loved him beyond his imagination, that he had fought for him immensely in the hope that one day they would be together. I couldn't see her in pain and just stood there to watch her miserable state when she chased him frightfully but he never looked back at her once. I took her back with me home so she could rely on me as her friend but sometimes I questioned myself: Why did she have to go through this pain for him? Somewhere I knew he was in pain too just like her but my Ruhi's agony was worse than his.

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