"Game Begins"

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[Y/n is an introvert girl and she don't like to meet with new people, she only go to office and come back to home then play games or watch movies, she is not rich or poor but she was happy with her simple life]

-at afternoon-

Y/n - she was at office and she had already finished her work but she didn't submitted the file yet to her boss and starts playing game again

Suzy - "Y/n? You are playing game again"

Y/n - she doesn't replies and keep on playing with focus as after few seconds she won as she gets happy and giggles "i won"

Suzy - "Y/n! Stop this or you will get scolded by Chan Sir again"

Y/n - chuckles "Ah! The old guy! I hate it, why he is always so cold?"

Chan - came there as he heard everything "old guy?" smirks as he takes her file and checks it

Suzy - bows and leaves being nervous

Y/n - stands up being nervous "Um.. so-sorry sir"

Chan - he signs on the file "your work is good though" he looks at her as he keeps her file on the desk "I have a work for you"

Y/n - she blinks

Chan - "you have to go in our cafe which is a part of our company today at 4 o clock"

Y/n - "why?"

Chan - "my some friends will be there along with other rich people as my clients so I want you to be my assistant" smiles

Y/n - blinks "what If i say that i don't wanna go?"

Chan - "you will get fired" says while smiling

Y/n - sighs "fine! I will go"

Chan - smiles "good" he leaves

Y/n - sits on her seat and let out a heavy breath "I hate rich humans"

-at 3:30 P.M-

Y/n - she finished her another project and now she starts playing a normla online game on her phone

Chan - comes near her "again playing?"

Y/n - keeps her phone away quickly and thinks ("This old man ahhh! He always comes in wrong time!! I was about to win")

Chan - "Ah! I can't even say you anything cause you do your works properly" pats her shoulder "here" gives her a bag "go get ready"

Y/n - looks at the bag "huh?"

Chan - "just go" made her hold the bag then push Y/n towards the changing room

Y/n - gets confused and walks towards the changing room as she looks in that bag and finds some heels and a beautiful black dress along with a necklace and earrings as she sighs "I hate heels"

Chan - "BE FAST!" yells

Y/n - "yea yea" she starts getting ready as after few minutes she came out

Chan - he was scrolling on his phone as he looks at her and smiles "you are looking so beautiful! Why don't you come like this to office everyday?"

Y/n - smiles and thinks ("you don't give me enough money to buy luxurious things")

Chan - "okay.. anyways let's go now"

Y/n - nods

[Chan leads her way to his car, as they both gets in the car then goes to the bar]

Chan - gets in along with Y/n as he looks at his six friend together near the counter and goes to them

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