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Felix - smirks and ends the call

Y/n - she was walking peacefully as she can feel someone was following her , she turns around and checks it but there was no one as she keep walking and after sometime she reach in front of her house then she opens the door and gets in, as suddenly someone wraps a handkerchief with chloroform in front of her nose as she faints

Hyunjin - "sleep sleep" says while looking at her

Minho - holds her gently so she doesn't fall down

Felix - "well done Hyunjin" carries her up

Minho - "are you gonna kill her now?"

Felix - "shut up , no!"

Hyunjin - "ah! Come on Felix! She is the only person who know everything and we can't even trust her"

Felix - "I will keep her with me"

Minho - "If police start the investigation again they will surely find out that you are the actual killer" says while looking at him

Felix - "I don't care for now! I will not let her come out from my mansion that's it" shrugs

Hyunjin - "that's a nice idea , but chan?"

Minho - sighs "he surely likes this girl"

Felix - "hum.... Chan and others will know that Y/n is missing, that's it"
Hyunjin - "and what about the police?"

Felix - "they will never investigate in my mansion"

Minho - "We don't know the future though"

Felix - looks at her and sighs

Hyunjin - "anyways let's go now"

[They made Y/n lay on the backseat as Hyunjin drives the car and Felix was sitting on the passanger seat and Minho went to his mansion as Felix and Hyunjin usually stays together cause they are bestfriends]

-at evening-

Y/n - wakes up slowly with a headache as she looks around and gets shocked as everything in that room was all luxurious, she gets down from the bed and goes to the door as she tries to open it but it was not opening as she yells "Excuse me! Anyone is here? Where am i? Please open the door" she doesn't gets and reply but still she tries to open the door as suddenly someone opens the door from outside as she gets shocked

Felix - opens the door and gets in quickly then locks the door as he looks at Y/n "how you are always so pretty hum?"

Y/n- "y-you?" Gets tensed

Felix - "Yea.. I knew it well you will not come to me by yourself so i have to bring you here forcefully" shrugs

Y/n - "Let me go"

Felix - "no it's a new rule for you.. you can't leave this place" smirks

Y/n - gets nervous and shocked "what do you mean? Hey! Let me go" almost about to cry

Felix - giggles"you can try" shrugs and sits on the bed

Y/n - looks around and gulps then looks at him "what do you want?"

Felix - "Be my girlfriend" smirks

Y/n - "NEVER!" yells

Felix - giggles "Oh really? Fine! But you are not leaving this place" he gets up and about to leave

Y/n - grabs his hand "Please! Let me go! I promise i will not say anything to anyone, please" she keep on begging

Felix - pins her against the wall as he pecks her forehead "Shhh! I love it when you beg like this~ but save your energy you have to make alot of sounds soon"

Y/n - "please" starts crying

Felix - "Your dinner will be here soon honey" he leaves and locks the door

Y/n - sits on the floor and keep on crying

-after 1 hour-

Y/n - falls asleep while crying on the floor

Staff - came in with the dinner and serves it on the table as she goes near Y/n and says "Ma'am wake up! Your dinner is here"

Y/n - quickly wakes up then looks at the staff "I- i am not hungry"

Staff - "it's Felix sir's order, please Ma'am"

Y/n - "no"

Staff - "please please!" She tries to make Y/n stand as Felix came there

Y/n - doesn't gets up

Staff - starts crying

Y/n - gets confused

Felix - looks at the staff and laughs "so you have failed hum?" He takes out his gun

Staff - "no sir ,I am still trying! Please give me some more minutes"

Y/n - gets shocked

Felix - yawns

Staff - "please Ma'am have your dinner , please!" She starts begging to Y/n

Y/n - looks at him then at the staff as she understands that he will kill the staff if she will not complete her work and now her work is to make Y/n have dinner, Y/n stands up and goes to Felix then slaps him hardly and sits near the table then starts eating

Felix - smirks and giggles "Your touch is so amazing"

Y/n - "pervert!" says while eating

Felix - "well..." Shrugs "only for you" laughs and sits there as he signs the staff to leave the room

Staff - gets up and leaves the room while running

Y/n - sighs "I don't wanna eat more"

Felix - "fine, Good luck to that staff" he gets up

Y/n - "Stop! I will eat"

Felix - smiles and sits again then keep looking at her

Y/n - after few minutes she finish eating

Felix - "Good girl" goes to her

Y/n - looks at him

Felix - brings his face near her face "I love you darling.. now go have some rest"

Y/n - gulps by looking at his eyes being worried

Felix - "good night" he smiles and leaves

To be continued....

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