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Y/n - she can't able to sleep at night as she keep on searching ways to leave that place, but she can't able to find any ways as she sits on the bed and starts crying "what should i do?"

Staff - knocks on the door and comes in

Y/n - quickly wipes her tears then looks at her "oh? You?"

Staff - bows to her "Thank you so much for saving my life today"

Y/n - "it's alright" she looks outside the window

Staff - "i-i am lily , I would like to help you"

Y/n - looks at her "really?"

Lily - nods being not sure

Y/n - sighs "help me to leave this place"

Lily - "if i will get caught i will get killed.." gulps

Y/n - "then.. let it be"

Lily - "but can i help you by any other ways?"

Y/n - thinks for sometime "do you have key of this door?"

Lily - "me, Felix sir's assistant and Felix sir has the key"

Y/n - "okay.. can you keep the door open for me? Then you can leave.. i will manage everything"

Lily - "you sure?"

Y/n - goes to her and nods "I promise i will not tell about you to anyone, you can believe me"

Lily - she nods "I trust you ma'am"

Y/n - smiles "thank you"

Lily - bows and leaves after closing the door but not locking it

-after somethin-

Y/n - opens the door and goes outside as she looks around , that mansion was really big as she came near stairs and starts walking down as suddenly she feels someone is coming as she open her shoes and holds them by her hands and quickly runs downstairs and hides below a table, she saw that it was a guard as she sighs but she hears another footstep coming near her as she looks at the shoes and it stops in front of the table as the person bend

Felix - smirks "Hey?" He grabs her hands and tries to pull her out

Y/n - starts crying "leave me!" She tries to made him leave her hand but he was really strong

Felix - anyhow pulls her out then carries her up "You will stay with me now!"

Y/n - "no!" She says while crying "I am sorry! Please"

Felix - "no! Next time if you try to run away from my room the punishment will be more dangerous maybe it can have life risk too"

Y/n - gets tensed

Felix - "obviously not yours but someone else" he smirks as he knows who helped her

Y/n - "no! No Felix! Don't harm anyone for me, it was all my fault"

Felix - he reach in his room and made her sit on his bed "humm..." He pecks her forehead "then be my girlfriend"

Y/n - she blinks nervously "o-kay" then she looks down

Felix - smiles "go , lay on the bed now"
Y/n - gets tensed as does what he says as now she was really afraid of him

Felix - goes near her and sits beside her as he covers her with the blanket then pecks her forehead "Sleep"

Y/n - looks at him and gulps then close her eyes

Felix - strokes her hair slowly while looking at her

Y/n - slowly falls asleep

Felix - smiles and gets up as he goes to his office and does his work there and slowly falls asleep in his office

-next morning-

Y/n - wakes up and looks around and there was no one as two staffs came in

Staff 1 - "Good morning Ma'am.. let me help you with your bath.. then you have to go for breakfast"

y/n - sighs and gets up "give me my clothes i can bath by myself"

Staff 1 - bows "as your wish"

Staff 2 - gives Y/n her clothes which was a beautiful white one piece dress

Y/n - takes it and goes to the bathroom as she starts taking bath and the staffs leaves as after sometime she finish taking bath and comes outside while wearing the dress

Felix - came in and looks at her as he smiles "you are looking so pretty"

Y/n - just side eyes him then goes downstairs

Felix - smiles and goes to get freshen up

Y/n - starts looking around and tries to find the main door from where she can escape

Hyunjin - came near her and smirks "wanna go out?"

Y/n - gets tensed and was about to run away

Hyunjin- grabs her waist quickly and pulls her close to him "there is no use to run away.. let's go to dinning table and have our breakfast"

Y/n - blinks nervously

Hyunjin - carries her up and made her sit on the chair

Y/n - her breath shakes a bit as she was tensed

Felix - looks at hyunjin and Y/n from upstairs as he giggles at hyunjin and comes downstairs "what do you think you are doing?"

Hyunjin - "just taking care of our princess" shrugs

Felix - "I hope so you don't cross your limits"

Hyunjin - "Someday if i lose control~ i will surely"

Felix - he smirks and nods as he holds a knief

Hyunjin - "damn! Chill chill! I was joking" he giggles nervously

Felix - sits beside Y/n and looks at her while holding the knife "eat"

Y/n - slowly starts eating

Felix - keep looking at her as he leaves the knife and pats her head

Hyunjin- "I am not in mood to have breakfast now" he gets up and leaves

Felix - giggles and shrugs

To be continued.....

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