Life in street again

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Many days has pass since when little Ying has has left lotus pear now she is living in streets in very miserable condition but still that's was better than the Jiang's house 🏠 because there was no madam yu who will speak bag mouth about his late parents no one could say him a bad influence for her children there was no Jiang Chan who will show all his anger upon him 🤬 there was no young maiden Jiang yianly who will teer jealous because of his beauty. Little Ying was thinking this things in his mind when suddenly someone call him she was come out of thoughts she look up and get scared because they were some people who was taking him forcefully she knew that intention of those people are not good so she start screaming but those mens wear faster and stronger than him to shut it is mouth and take him away at the dark forest little a was now totally helpless and worship to God to save him but every minute has passing and his little hope was dying but suddenly someone who are you all and who is she the people said this was none of a business go away or we will show you who are us then don't tell us that we didn't tell you to leave now get lost.
Those people start laughing like a makana but suddenly one of them laying on the ground in the pool of blood


Hay guys this is my first time to right any ff I hope you that you will like it if there is any grammatical mistake then sorry for this writer because English is not my first language thank you for your support ♥️💜

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