🌜moonlight 🌛

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In the evening time ever one is dining room
Lan xiachan and Lanzan are in the front of the room and other disciples are sitting in 2 line's infront of then the servents give them there food. after seeing the everybody face are pale and white like 😱 they have seen a ghostexcept the lan clan members
Ying was complaining about the food toward his brother and make a pout on her lips. Niehuaisange smark and say o dear why fear when you have a great and intelligent brother like me . like who u no , who says that to u that u r great and intelligent ha . Ying say to Huaisange ok then if you don't won't this then ok with this he shows a chill oil bottle 🍾 no no I won't this I wont this gee please give ti to please please pleaseeeeeee...... after seeing those twinkling crystal blue eyes how could Huaisange says no to him ok ok this is your now eat your dinner and be careful no one can that chilli oil ok .ok gee u r the best i love you gee u r my saver.the 2 siblings are at there own world eating peacefully but some eyes are glearing them with the hint of jealousy and drink the ship of vinegar that how Huaisange was close to her and they are not

Time skip after everybody are at there respected rooms as as it is the rule of gusu that at 9 p.m . Every body will sleep except those people who are in petroling duty except
Ying and Huaisange as they don't want to sleep that earliest so they diseased to explore gusu it was 10 o clock at night the moon 🌝 was shining brightly as it was full moon 🌕 night Ying come last go toward our room it's earlyer fass 10 if anyone sees us it will make problem for us but ge i want to see more look who beautiful is this place o Aying l know that but it's very late i promise you that I take u again tomorrow ok come let's go know ok ge but have to give me a pigi back ride toward my room ok come know .
Who will say that u r 14 years old maden look at u .u still act like a baby because I m , I'm only 3 years old and with this small chit chat fight both siblings go toward their respective room with out knowing that some one is starting them.
It was non other than Hangunjn.today he was petroling he heard some whisper then he see Nie Huaisange so he started working towards their but Stop when he sees a beautyful scenario in front of him so he hide himself bhindi a big tree 🌴 and observing them .
The cold winds 🌬️ r blowing slowly - slowly and with this Ying hair's are flowing in the air , the moon light was following on him it's look like a white jade was shining in the night sky his laughing sounds are like jingling of bells soud for him he was totally lost in his thoughts.,................................ next morning
2 day in gusu.........,.......................................

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