🎈🎈🎈happy birthday 🎈🎈🎈

165 12 1

After 9 years

Ying 14

Huaisange 16

Lanzan 16

Jiang Chan 16

Jiang yanli 18

Jinzixuan 19

Lan Huan 20

Mingjuye 21

In nie clan everybody was busy for preparation for the evening event the whole sect is in chaos everybody doing different works summer preparing different types of food and summer decorating the main set area everyone was doing there work

Everybody excited to meet that heard higher they heard in lot of things about him but before today nobody say him how she look or not only they had just had about him that she was very beautiful how beauty can beat the beauty of the goddess of beauty her nature is just like his father peaceful but sometime he could be miracles like her second brother and sometime he is scary and furious like his first brother she is rank one made in young batch cultivation is very high so everybody want to meet him

In the main time in nie clans garden someone is thinking about his past 9 years how she get in the clan. how his dream come true to have a family who loved him .

Someone call him little sister what are you thinking are you thinking about your Prince charming A gee don't make your train of dream so high otherwise I will tell dagee that yesterday night you are not in your room you are out of the mention and ...

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Someone call him little sister what are you thinking are you thinking about your Prince charming A gee don't make your train of dream so high otherwise I will tell dagee that yesterday night you are not in your room you are out of the mention and doing gambling with your friends and drinking to and don't you think that I don't know your reading that your porn books. If I tell this thing to dagee he will surely lock you in your room and break your legs to. She is smark😏 to heard her brother. You know meimei dagee was right I had a bad influence to you that is why you are blackmailing to your most lovable caring innocent brother look how poor SOL am I my own little sister is blackmailing me now what can I do whom did I tell my sad story and start fake cry with the pout on her face gee stop your drama don't act like a drama queen you look ugly with that out on your face and with that both siblings start laughing

Time script in the evening
Every clans and main guest are in the hall they all are sitting in their sitting arrangement area major sectare sitting in the front area and minus sect are in the back.
Everybody are listening something only the lan clan members are sitting quietly as they are known for they will behaving and discipline manners.
Then a disciple come to the leader announce that first master second master with young mistress are coming toward the area all eyes are on the door the all see the heavenly beauty of the young lady of niya clan she just looking like the goddess come from heaven the goddess of death

Then a disciple come to the leader announce that first master second master with young mistress are coming toward the area all eyes are on the door the all see the heavenly beauty of the young lady of niya clan she just looking like the goddess co...

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Most of the man eyes are bloode on her they get lust on him but not so longer when they see two men around him with murder or a ura ready to kill anyone who try to hurt sister

Most of the man eyes are bloode on her they get lust on him but not so longer when they see two men around him with murder or a ura ready to kill anyone who try to hurt sister

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The terrio go toward their father and sit there and the celebration begin there are many types of food drinks and etc .many dancer are come from different towns from there in the celebration all things gone very well
Time skip the party was end every guest are gone now
Our little angel was sleeping peacefully in her room 😴😴

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