Chapter Twenty - Phoenix Grey

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Three and a half years ago

Mystic Falls, VA

New Year's Day, 10.30am

Phoenix waited nervously inside his house for Damon to arrive. His parents had finally gone out, meaning he could now wait downstairs with the drapes drawn. It wasn't much fun closing them while trying to avoid getting burnt by the daylight coming through the windows, but after much screaming, he'd finally achieved it. He just had to hope the neighbours hadn't heard and called the police.

Damon had told Phoenix that his priority that morning was to get Stef a new phone, so that's what he was doing. He probably shouldn't nitpick since he broke her original phone, but personally he felt that getting a daylight ring was a much bigger necessity. Of course, he couldn't tell Damon that his daughter also needed one. As far as Phoenix was aware, she was still keeping that very hush-hush.

Phoenix's phone started ringing. It was a number he didn't recognize. He answered the call.

"Phoenix," Stef gasped on the other end. "I've been so worried about you."

Phoenix was so relieved to hear from her. Ever since Adam had contacted him early that morning, telling him everything that had happened, he'd been waiting for her call. There was, naturally, a small, selfish part of him that was dying to talk to someone who had also transitioned into a vampire, since there wasn't exactly a support group for this kind of thing. But mostly he just needed to hear from his best friend.

Phoenix ran a hand through his hair. "Holy shit, Stef, I'm so glad you called. This shit is crazy. How are you coping? Have you told your parents yet?"

"No, and I don't plan on telling them," she confirmed. "I have a few months left before I leave for college and then I'll just have to... figure this all out."

"Aren't they going to suspect something though?" Phoenix asked. "I mean, how did you get permission to enter your house this morning? Surely that was a giveaway."

"I didn't need to ask for permission," Stef explained. "When my dad brought me home after dropping you off, I faked a dizzy spell. He carried me inside."

"Wow, lucky loophole," Phoenix said. "You know how I had to get inside this morning? Faked being drunk. Had to howl outside like a dog for a while, until finally my dad came down, opened the door for me and told me to get my 'useless ass inside'. The howls were genuine too---it was nearly sunrise. Your dad dumped me outside with a broken neck. By the time I came to, I was on the clock."

Stef laughed. "So Dad is going to take you to Bonnie to get a daylight ring today?"

"Yeah, I don't know how he's going to get me there though," Phoenix said, observing the light peaking around the edges of the drapes. "Is he going to bundle me in the back of a truck or something?"

"He knows a vampire he can borrow a car from with UV-filtering windows, so hopefully it won't come to that. You'll probably meet him at some point. His name's Gabe. He might even take you under his wing. Show you the ropes."

"Here I was thinking your dad had already explained everything to me. I didn't know being a vampire was going to require an internship," Phoenix said. "How are you going to get a daylight ring?"

"That's the thing, Phoenix, I need you to do something for me," Stef said. "When Bonnie does the spell, do you think you can secretly voice record it? I think I could make a ring for myself, but I don't know how."

"Sure thing. I'll come over to yours later. We can enjoy a blood bag together. Get your mom to invite me in because your dad certainly won't."

Stef groaned. "I forgot about the blood."

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