Chapter 13

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Monday morning came dressed in night's darkness as if the sun had been restrained from rising. The Berlon boys were awoken by the ringing of the iron bell which shook the dormitory with the ferocity of an earthquake. Once they said goodbye to their dreams, the thirty boys rose to their feet and made a zombie-walk toward the door. A dread was on their faces, as in a few minutes, they would have to go on their daily one-mile jog.

Worse than the rude awakening and the darkness of the morning was the shower. The water had no mercy, as it lashed every boy with a freezing sting. But Adiss had it even worse. He had to remove some of his wrappings, exposing his charred skin, and then gently massage himself with mere drops of water. Anything more than a sprinkle would sting and cause him great pain. He had to stand away from the pouring water and use a cloth to wipe himself. And though it was uncomfortable, it was one of the few times during the day when Adiss had privacy.

"Get out of the shower, freak!" yelled a boy outside of the bathroom.

Privacy in Berlon, however, was short-lived. "Wait!" Adiss yelled back.

"Get out now!" the boy insisted.

"I still have a minute left!"

"No, you don't! Get out!"

"Oh, come on!"

The door was battered and kicked, pounded and beat. The noise, the angry cries of the boy outside, and the dread for the long day of school ahead, all made Adiss collapse into frustration. "Damn it, fine!"

The clock barely read 6 A.M. The Berlon boys stood outside their school with their arms crossed to keep warm. The air was wickedly cold; and their P.E uniform did not provide them with much warmth. They each wore a pair of white shorts and indigo T-shirts. Both the T-shirts and shorts bore the silver emblem of the school—though in the current freezing circumstances, that did not matter much to anyone.

Principal Royce finally came to greet the boys. He was wearing a cozy blue robe and was holding a cup of hot chocolate. He slowly made his way toward the boys.

The boys greeted their Principal, "Good morning, sir!"

"Good morning gentlemen," said the Principal. "What a fine morning it is today. Yes, yes, I understand it's quite chilly, but look at the morning for what it is: a new beginning. It's cold now and you wish it were summer, but how will you ever reach that warm, golden summer, if you don't live through today, and tomorrow, and the last day of winter? You want to be back in your warm bed, but how will you make it there, if you don't live through this morning and the rest of the day? So, gentlemen, embrace the cold! Now, moving on. There is only one morning announce—"

"Sir, please, can we start the jog?" cried Ralph—regretfully, but with dire necessity. He had spoken for all his friends, but the boys all cringed at the rude interruption and anticipated the Principal's wrath.

Yet Principal Royce showed no wrath, "Ralph, save your words for when you really need to use them. Put that belly of yours to use, give me thirty push ups. Now."

Ralph scoffed and almost protested, but he knew better and dropped to the ground. With much effort, he began his push ups. One... two... three...

"As I was saying," the Principal continued, "for your morning announcements I would like to say that whoever has left that roll of toilet paper all over the third bathroom, please take responsibility and clean it up, for God's sake! That's the only announcement for today. Now we'll patiently wait for the other boys to arrive and then you may begin your jog." Principal Royce took a sip of his hot chocolate and smiled at the boys.

By the other boys, the old Principal meant the students who did not live in the school, but rather studied there during the day and returned home in the afternoon. These boys were known as the non-boarders.

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