Chapter Twenty-Five - Stefanie Salvatore

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Present day

The Hanging Fields, NC

"They're not here."

"Of all your heightened senses, Phoenix, I must say your observation skills are by far the best," Gabe commented dryly as they all came to a standstill at the edge of the field. "They'll be here soon enough."

They had parked their two cars on the dirt road leading off from the main road, giving them two routes of escape if they needed it. Running adjacent to the dirt road was a long grassy knoll where they took their positions, giving them a clearer view across the field.

"So, what's the plan?" Zara asked.

"Ideally? I convince Cristian to hand over Flick and we all leave with our organs intact," Stef replied. "Realistically? Things are going to get ugly and I'm going to have to use a cloaking spell on you all, and a protection spell on myself."

Gabe wasn't a fan of that plan. "You've not had any blood, that's going to severely restrict your powers to the point that you might as well be human," he pointed out.

"Then maybe I won't mention that to them," Stef said, stating the obvious.

"What if you fed on me?" Adam hypothetically offered.

Stef's eyes should have probably gone to Adam, but instead they shot to Raid, a slight smirk appearing on her lips seeing his persistent sulk suddenly turning into possessive displeasure. Obviously that was something he considered to be his job. "I'm afraid your blood would do nothing for my powers if you've still got vervain in your system."

"I can check that for you," Zara offered sadistically, stepping towards him.

"No, you just want an excuse to bite him," Stef reprimanded, holding her back.

Zara smirked. "Maybe he just needs to learn that I'm the one who does the eating," she said, flashing her fangs as she threw one of his previous comments back at him.

"So that's two ways I could pleasure you," Adam noted, grinning back at her with a flick of his eyebrows. "Any more? I might start keeping a list."

"Your vervain-ridden blood wouldn't be pleasurable," she scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Erm, not to kill the mood, but if any of you planned on feeding or fucking, you've just lost your chance," Phoenix cut in, looking across the field to the main road. "Cristian's here."

Cristian and most of the Coven stepped out of their cars parked along the main road and started walking onto the field, past a large lone oak tree. Winifred and Flick remained in one car. Two obscured figures remained in another. There were additional individuals among them, not part of the Coven, probably not even witches. From the way they confidently and obediently strode behind the witches, it was most likely that someone had provided them with more recently-turned vampires.

Stef turned to face her friends. "If I need to cloak you all, none of you must make any sudden movements. I won't be strong enough to hold the spell if you all start gallivanting about. Your movements will be detected." Stef swished a finger between Raid and Adam while instructing the others. "You might need to remind these two of that if anything happens to me."

As Stef turned around to head towards Cristian, Raid grabbed her arm, spinning her back around. "If anything happens to you?! Stef, I thought you said you could do a protection spell on yourself?"

"All that means is that they can't kill me," she clarified. "It doesn't mean there won't be fighting or... injury. But remember, I'm a vampire, I can heal."

Raid sighed. He didn't like this, but he had to trust she was doing the right thing to rescue her friend, Flick. He pulled her in for a hug. "If you get hurt, promise me you'll compel me to forget it," he muttered facetiously into her hair.

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