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I woke up with a troubled heart thinking about today's events

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I woke up with a troubled heart thinking about today's events. Today was the day I'd return to the place I swore to myself I wouldn't return till I was at least 80. My father has been sick for a while but this was a common occurrence.

My father is a hard-working man. That's how he got to where he was in life. He never took no for an answer and always knew what to say. Shame he wasted it away when he started dating models with his riches and upgrading them like action figures for a young boy.

After much persuasion, Antonio insisted to come with us on our journey. Nonna told him that she had told me to lie in case and he understood completely and wanted to support me going back.

Me, Antonio and Jules all said our goodbyes to the house staff and most importantly my Nonna who I haven't been away from in a while.

"Mamma will we be back soon to see Nonna before Circuit Gilles Villeneuve??" Jules questions by my side.

"Of course bambino! We will go to Monaco and you and Antonio can explore while I do some grown up things." I say tucking his hair behind his ear.

"Devo conoscere il francese?" Antonio asked looking at the photos of Monaco on his phone.
'Do I have to speak French?'

"Dipende, conosci il francese?' I answer smirking
'Depends do you know French?'

"I'll just stick with English and I'll be fine.." Antonio mutters.

Once we boarded the plane, I made sure Jules had enough entertainment for the next hour then sat next to him handing him snacks few 10 minutes.

Once we boarded the plane, I made sure Jules had enough entertainment for the next hour then sat next to him handing him snacks few 10 minutes

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"Julius, hurry up buddy! Run like Verstappen!" Antonio says as Jules runs towards him leaving the airport.

"More like Leclerc!!" Jules argues back smiling.

"Verstappen or Leclerc, doesn't matter! What matters is finding a taxi that's going to take us to Monaco." I groan giving up on trying to get a taxi.

"Julius that sounds like a mission. Should we do it?" Antonio says picking Jules up onto his shoulders.

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