
380 11 0

Includes: aphrodisiac, bondage, sounding, sex toys, anal sex

It took several minutes for the drug to take effect. Dick felt his strength weakening and a wave of heat wash over him, his head slowly starting to hurt.

You ruffled the man's hair and saw a blush appear on his face. Misty eyes looked up at you, still hiding the fear. You hummed happily, letting go of the hero.

A heavy breath escaped his lips. He slowly raised his head, waiting to see what you would do next. But you stood still, admiring how attractive Nightwing looked now.

"What have you done to me?" he asked in a trembling voice. "What... What do you want?"

You laughed at the second question. It was obvious! And yet this stupid hero still couldn't see it!

"Not much... Only your love... And when I get it, I'll bring my second lover here..." you whispered the nickname of your second target in Dick's ear.

As soon as he heard that you were hunting Jason too, he turned towards you and hit you with his head.

"Argh," a short sound of pain escaped your lips.

You furrowed your eyebrows in anger and clenched your fists. Nightwing didn't know what to expect. He was counting on you to lose consciousness and have time to free yourself. Not even a moment later, you turned around and punched the man so hard that he fell to the ground with the chair.

The toy changed its position, causing additional pain. Dick groaned, losing his breath. His heart was pounding like crazy. And the worst thing about this whole situation was that his erection didn't go away.

You slowly approached the weakened man and used your knife to cut the ropes that tied him to the chair. You kicked the piece of furniture far away with all your strength, causing a loud sound of splintering wood to echo throughout the room.

"I wanted to be nice!" you growled, grabbing the hero by the hair and lifting him up. "I wanted to be nice and show you how much I care! But you don't let me! Because of you, I had to use violence!"

Dick felt an unpleasant feeling in his stomach. What did you even give him? It's not normal for him to react like that!

A red mark and swelling slowly appeared on the man's face. Your eyes flashed dangerously as you let go of him.

Nightwing immediately tried to move away from you as far as possible. Eventually his back hit the cold wall and you still did nothing to stop him. But how could you? He looked like a tiny, scared animal. So lovely.

You finally took the first step towards him. Then the next one. And so you slowly approached him, smiling harder by the second. In Gotham, smiling criminals were the worst. But you couldn't contain your joy.

Dick tried to move away from you even more, causing him to hit the cabinet next to you. It was all coming together too beautifully. You put your toys everywhere, like a child in his dream room, to let chance choose what you will do today.

A plastic bottle with lubricant and a box with a vibrator fell to the floor. The hero shuddered at the sight.

You knelt in front of him and grabbed his knees. You pulled hard towards you, making the man growl in pain. The poor guy probably rubbed his hands on that floor. But you couldn't untie him, then he would fight your love and probably run away too.

A soft growl escaped your lips as you lifted Dick's legs and pressed them against his chest. You reached for the lube and poured a generous amount onto your fingers and then onto his genitals.

"W-what are you doing?" you heard a quiet question.

"You didn't think I wouldn't prepare you first, did you? I'm not a monster. I even gave you an aphrodisiac so you would feel more pleasure than pain."

You inserted two fingers into his hole, moving them slowly. The drug worked perfectly, all the previous tests were worth it. You quickly added a third finger, then hit the sensitive spot.

Nightwing tilted his head back and arched his back. An indefinable sound escaped from his throat, filling you with increasing satisfaction.

"I was afraid I gave you too little... I'm so glad you're cooperating." After these words, you placed your mouth on the man's chest.

You gently bit down on his nipple, earning quiet protests from him. Still, you didn't stop — what's more, you started sucking it until the nipple became nicely pink and slightly swollen. You then did the same to the other one, enjoying Nightwing's trembling body. It was good to know he was liking it.

You finally decided that the man was ready for you. You reached your hand down to your pants and unbuttoned them before sliding them down your hips. You positioned yourself more comfortably, spreading Dick's legs even further. With a smile, you looked first at the lubricant leaking from him, and then at his tearful face. You slowly started to enter him, and his protests became much louder.

Once your entire cock was inside, you waited a moment before moving again.

You leaned towards the hero, silencing any words of opposition with a kiss. This definitely distracted the man. When you started moving your hips, hitting his prostate, Nightwing actually moaned into your mouth.

His mind had already gone completely hazy. He didn't really know what was going on, except that you were giving him pleasure that couldn't find an outlet. Tears ran down his cheeks. Maybe if he begs, you will show him mercy?

"I-that's enough," he stammered when you broke the kiss. "I'm begging you, enough already..."

You clicked your tongue and then reached for the vibrating egg. You placed them against his testicles, holding the remote control in your other hand. It took the man a moment to realise what was happening, but the reaction was so appealing...

"No, no, please! No!" You turned it to the lowest setting, and Dick sighed loudly. "Please... Too... Too much!"

He began to squirm on the floor even more, which only intensified the pleasure his cock was giving him. You could feel the hero's genitals throbbing under your fingers, a sign of his approaching orgasm. You were very close yourself and only held on thanks to determination. If it weren't for that, you'd probably cum just by looking at Nightwing, he had that effect on you.

You took a deep breath, feeling that it would be over soon. You sped up, allowing you to see again what a nice arc Dick was bent into. The cum finally flew out of your cock, but you didn't pull it out yet. After all, the man was tightening around you so deliciously.

You increased the vibrations, causing more tears to fall down the hero's cheeks. You finally placed the remote on the ground and reached for the sensitive red head of his penis. You grabbed the tip of the rod and slowly began to pull out the toy.

"Don't move, otherwise I'll hurt you." The smile disappeared from your face for a moment. Just like all the emotions that were heard before. It worked like a spell on the hero, who finally obeyed.

You finally put the toy down. Nightwing was flooded with relief, which he showed with a loud groan. You grabbed the remote again and set it to the highest setting. The long-held orgasm finally took over the man's body. It was so intense that he lost consciousness.

But that's not a bad thing. Now you can take care of him and prepare for the next reception of your love. You will keep trying until he accepts you. And when that happens, you'll win Red Hood's heart too.

Obsessive Love |Dick Grayson x Male Reader x Jason Todd|Where stories live. Discover now