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The days passed, and you spent them on showering both men with your love. You could have put the handcuffs away now, since neither Dick nor Jason showed any intention of escaping. What's more, Nightwing seemed like he WANTED to stay with you.

Over dinner, you were telling Jason and Dick about your recent research and what you planned to do today. You slowly stood up to collect the plates when Grayson beat you to it. You smiled and kissed his cheek before ruffling Jason's hair.

"How about a little fun when I'm done?" you asked.

They both knew immediately what you meant. You saw Red Hood's eyes twinkle slightly and Nightwing's cheeks blush almost imperceptibly.

They waited impatiently for you to finish. However, they did not expect, just like you, that there would be no love-making.

You hadn't even left the lab well when the intruder alarm went off. The red lamps became the only source of light, which meant that the burglar had destroyed the power supply.

You ran to one of the closets and pulled out two guns. You then ran out to find Jason and Dick. First and foremost, you had to keep them safe.

You found them only after a few minutes. They stood side by side, looking around for danger. As soon as you approached them, one of the doors was kicked down.

"Batman," you whispered, becoming paralysed.

You tightened your grip on the gun, slowly aiming it at the man. You stood between him and his former Robins, which under any other circumstances would probably be some kind of metaphor.

"Let them go."

As soon as he said it, something switched in your head. The fear suddenly disappeared and the entire aura around Batman stopped affecting you.

"No," you replied in a similar tone. "I won't let you take them away from me."

The man took a step towards you. Then another one. And on the third one you started shooting. You heard behind you to stop, but you ignored it. You won't let anyone take your loved ones from you again.

When you noticed that all the bullets had bounced off the bat suit, you decided to aim for the face. Batman was getting closer. He started running.

You fired.

You felt a slap on your face, making you take a few steps to the side. You managed to defend yourself from another blow.

Blood flowed from your opponent's cheek. Just a scratch. You missed the mark.

You improved your grip on one of the guns. Batman was definitely closer than you would have liked. But that didn't mean you didn't want to take advantage of it.

The man didn't even notice when you put the gun to his cheek. He stopped and you took a few deep breaths. The determination to defeat Batman only grew.

Then you felt something trip you up. You fell to the ground, letting go of one gun. You hit your head on the floor and your vision went black for a moment.

You blinked a few times and pushed yourself up onto your forearms. Then you saw your gun, only this time it was pointed at you.

Normally you wouldn't worry about this, just knocking the gun away or shooting from the second one. But standing in front of you was Jason. And he wanted to shoot you.

"Jay..." you whispered, opening your eyes wider. "Honey..."

"Let go of your weapon," he said in such a way that you couldn't refuse.

Batman pulled you to your feet and tied you up. The police have shown up — your transport to Arkham Asylum.

Bruce breathed a sigh of relief, looking towards the old Robins. He walked up to them and placed his hands on their heads. Dick and Jason flinched at the gesture, causing Batman to just lower his head.

"I'm sorry it took me so long."

The men returned to the Wayne Manor. Only when Red Hood and Nightwing were alone, did the younger of them raise an important topic.

"Why didn't you help me?" he asked, crossing his arms. "You just stood there and stared like you were a normal civilian and not a hero."

"Jason, I already told you..."

"He broke you," Todd's voice was cold, making his words seem to hurt even more. "You are weak. You're so weak."

"Don't act like you're any better," Dick replied, trying to defend himself. "I know you, you would kill him without blinking an eye. And yet you didn't do it."

"There was Batman next to me..."

"Stop it. Normally you would have done it on purpose in front of Bruce."

Silence fell between them. They both stared at each other, blaming each other for their situation.

The next three days passed in silence. Eventually, Grayson found the courage to leave, which he told Alfred. He just didn't say where.

He stood at the gates of Arkham Asylum dressed as a hero. Jason suddenly appeared next to him, also in his costume. The red helmet turned towards Nightwing.

"I went out the window," he said, as if explaining himself. "So... What are you doing here?"

"Probably the same as you," and they both went inside.

Obsessive Love |Dick Grayson x Male Reader x Jason Todd|Where stories live. Discover now