We Are So Screwed

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Chapa's POV:

Just like I figured, Bose didn't show up today. He probably still needs more time to himself, and honestly, I need more time to myself, too. Suddenly, Ray and Schwoz come in.

Ray: "Did no one hear the crime alert that went off last night?"

Mika: "Uh, we didn't get a crime alert."

Ray: "What? That's Impossible, check your gum canisters."

We did as he told us, and when we looked, there was nothing, no crime alert or anything.

Me: "What the butt? Our gum things don't work."

Schwoz: "That's weird, maybe I can take a look at them and see what the problem is."

Ray: "Yeah, go do that."

Schwoz takes our gum holders and Captain Man's gum tube, and he exits the room.

Ray: "In the meantime, where's Bose at?"

Miles: "Probably still trying to recover from the venomous words that were laid on him yesterday."

He says as he looks at me.

Me: "Dude, you honestly think I don't feel terrible about this? I didn't even want to say those words."

Mika: "Why did you say them, then?"

Me: "I...I don't even know, it was...just a bad day, I guess, but I do know that I need to apologize to him."

Ray: "Well, regardless of that, I hope he comes back soon."

Suddenly, Schwoz comes back in.

Schwoz: "Okay, all fixed."

Miles: "Wow, that was fast."

Schwoz: "Yeah, turns out there was a tiny shortage in their power."

Just then, Doctor Minyak appears on the TV screen, scaring all of us.

Minyak: "Hello, Danger Force."

All of us: *scared* "Ahh!"

Minyak: "If you're watching this, you're probably wondering how I'm on your screen. Well, it's only a pre-recorded message, but what I'm about to say will shock you even more: I have your little Brain-friend, and if you want to see him again, too bad, cause you never will."

Then, Minyak laughs that stupid evil laugh he always has. Completely sick of it, I zap the TV screen off.

Me: "God, I hate him so much."

Ray: "Well, this is just great. Minyak kidnapped Bose, and we don't even know where they are."

Schwoz: "Correction: we do now."

All of us: "What?!"

Schwoz: "The tracker in Brainstorm's gum holder is sending out a signal, and it says they're in an abandoned warehouse on the Southern side of town."

Miles: "Geez, how many abandoned warehouses do there have to be?"

Ray: "Doesn't matter, we have to go save Bose."

Schwoz hands us all our gum, and we change into our super suits.

AWOL: "Alright, let's go rescue our boy."

AWOL teleports us to the outside of the warehouse, and of course, it's dark.

Minyak: "Well, well, well, I knew you'd all show up."

Captain Man: "Show yourself, Minyak!"

Minyak steps out of the shadows in front of us.

Minyak: "I'm so glad you're all here."

Me: "Where's Brainstorm?!"

Minyak: *chuckles* "Funny you should ask. You see, I've made a few changes to your precious little friend."

Shout-Out: "What changes?"

Minyak: "Oh, you'll see soon enough."

Minyak snaps his fingers, and we hear footsteps. Suddenly, we see another figure step into the light, and when we saw who it was, we could not believe it: it was Brainstorm, but it wasn't him.

His entire suit changed from blue to black, and the symbol on his suit's chest was that of the death symbol (skull and crossbones).

Me: "B-b-brainstorm, are...are you okay?"

He chuckles and says in an insanely deep voice...

"Brainstorm:" "I am not what you call 'Brainstorm' anymore. As of now, I am known as 'Killerstorm.'"

As soon as he said that, the rest of us were left speechless. Bose must've beem brainwashed to only serve and obey Minyak and his orders. At that moment, I could only make out one thing:

Me: "We are so screwed."

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