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may god watch over Selen Tatsuki

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may god watch over Selen Tatsuki. we love you so much Selen, you beautiful woman. please get better.

missing Pomu, for sure gonna miss Kyo, and missing all the others who are gone. Can't believe they terminated Selen. Still cant believe Pomu graduated, and that Kyo is going to this month. Coming back to the vtubing community honestly hurts me. Nijisanji and ANYCOLOR is getting disappointing day by day. Next thing you know, everyone in EN will get so tired of the company. Then all of Luxiem, Ethyria, Obsydia, Lazulight, Noctyx, Illuna, Xsoleil, and Krisis will disappear. Not even joking, I think my tears are starting to form again.

it's okay, I'm happy but sad.

please enjoy this chapter. I have missed you all so much and I think it's time I write another chapter because I'm feeling a little down. this is so fucking depressing y'all like HELP 😭.

fyi, until I decide this book is finished, mysta will continue to be in this book and will continue to be mysta till it's finished. if you guys didn't know he's a different person working for VShojo now, "K9Kuro" or Kuro. Such a sweetheart he still is. and I know he's not mysta now, but I can't just give up on this book and say fuck it lol.




"HELLO! HOLA! KONNICHIWA! I'M BACK BITCHES! What's uppp?" The female giggled, waving her hands at the camera. Her hand cam was currently on as she made silly signs and did funny motions. "Chat how do you sign 'Love' in ASL..." She questioned, looking around. "No clue.. anyhoo! I thought today was gonna be a chill day-" She was interrupted by a voice, barging into her room. "I'M COMING IN WITH MY HANDS UP AND PANTS DOWN—" She screamed, being jumpscared by the voice. "OH MY GOD-" she fell out of her chair, nearly dying. The other voice only laughed. "OH MY GOD- ARE YOU OKAY?" The voice sounded male, deep almost. "YEAH- I'M FINE-" She laughed, getting up. Her chat couldn't see what was happening, who was there and if she was alright.

After a bit, she finally got back into her setup, sitting in her chair and waving her hands again. "That buffoon scared me." She giggled. "I'm not hurt no! But his pride will be later." She tapped against the table. "Oh! By the way guys, guess who's here.. the person who thought it was funny to scare me." Everyone started guessing, most getting it right, some getting it wrong.

"Yaaa! It's Milord guys, everyone say hi to Vox!" She made him stick his hand in. "Hello loves." She smiled at him, trying to keep her giggle in. "Chat he flew over to visit me. We've been planning an off-collab for SOOO long!" She danced in her seat, Vox only watching from beside. "Guys [Name] has like everything as her setup, and she's never showed me her new one... DID- did you guys know that she broke her previous one? This big fat idiot thought throwing her mouse at her Setup was a good idea, whole thing came fucking tumbling down!" She gasped. "YOU SAID WE WOULDN'T SPEAK OF THAT ANYMORE!" She lightly slapped his shoulder, and he only laughed.

"Okay okay but- why do you have so much stuff for your setup holy fucking hell. dude- dude- streamdeck- analyzer- fuckin- moderater stands- SOund filter- SIX monitors- PEDALS- DRUMS- a- a- A GAMING GUITAR- controller- SIX CONSOLEEEESSSSSSS- TEN COMPUTERS- BUNCH of FUCKING WIRES dude- SOUNDPADS-! SPEAKERS- ANTENNA- SATELLITE- DOG! DOG CAM- CAT CAM- CAT TREE- CAT THIS- and a BUNCH OF OTHER DOGSHIT DUDE RIGHT- SHE'S LIKE- READY TO FUCKIN ANALYZE- NA- NASA'S LANDING SPEEDS DUDE-" Vox got progressively louder, and [Name] only cackled as she watched Vox ramble on. (If you know where this is from please marry me.)

"VOX CALM DOWN- guys I swear I don't have all that-" She shook her head continuing to laugh. "Anyhoo we're gonna play some games and watch some stuff! Like I said it's gonna be a relatively chill day! Well we'll try while Vox is here." She nodded. "Vox tell chat you're gonna behave like a distinguished gentlemen." She nudged him. "And why would I listen to you peasant? I am all powerful!" He chuckled, messing with her only to face her wrath.

"Vox.. sweetheart. Mommy wants you to be a good boy. Tell chat you're gonna be a well behaved boy. And bark for me while you're at it." It's like [Name] had this mommy dommy type of voice, so hypnotic. "BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF WOOF- ILL BE A GOOD BOY HOLY FUCK-" He fell out of his seat, making them both cackle out loud. "CHAT CHAT CLIP THIS, CLIP THIS! THIS IS BLACKMAIL!" "NO- DON'T CLIP THIS-"

Vox sat up, getting back in his chair. "I want mommy, I want milk, I want to be held, I want to be comforted-" He spoke out loud, inhaling slightly. "HELLO??? Your old ass is NOT getting held."

Couple of hours went by, and they were so spent off of games they decided it would be great to watch some good OL' YouTube. [Name] pulled up another tab for YouTube, sharing her screen. "Chat what should we watch." She looked over to Vox. "Vox help chat, and don't bully them." He hummed, chuckling. Vox pointed to a video, which was related to cooking. Of course he wanted to watch that.

"Vox- we're not watching that.." She sighed. "WHY NOT?" He gasped, dramatically laying a hand over his face. "Ew.. okay fine." She cackled, covering her face. "YEAAAAH CMON GUYS, WE'VE GOT 5 MORE HOURS- LET'S WATCH ITTT- COME-" *toot* "Oh I farted-" Vox wheezed, trying to hold his laugh in while he stank up the room. "VOX EW THAT'S SO DISGUSTING." [Name] got up from her chair, grabbing the air freshener on her shelf and spraying it. "I'm sorry— I got really excited and I didn't notice— oh no-" "GROSS-" "and chat is dead as well, look at them they're all frozen- they couldn't handle it- chat blew up the instant- the instant I let one rip-" He laughed, holding his stomach. "YOU'RE SO GROSS VOX." She laughed as well, sitting in her seat and clicking on the YouTube video.

And after a few more hours, it was time to end stream. "THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING AS ALWAYS!" Vox and [Name] laughed, enjoying the time they had spent together and with the members of chat. "Bye loves, see ya."

As soon as she ended chat, she got up and stretched her arms. "That was fun, don't ya think Voxxie?" She smiled at him, while he only looked up at her, gazing at her beauty. It wasn't the first time he had seen her in real life, but to him everytime he saw her, he always thought he was looking at the moon, the universe even. she was quite the beauty. Vox was always glad they were friends, close enough for him to fly over and come stay at her place, close enough that they trusted each other both.

 Vox was always glad they were friends, close enough for him to fly over and come stay at her place, close enough that they trusted each other both

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