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🔧 wrench emoji means mod

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🔧 wrench emoji means mod



"Hello, Hola, Konnichiwa! Wassap mis amores?!" The vtuber spoke, smiling brightly. "I'm back guys, sorry I've been gone for literally 3 weeks. If you saw Twitter last week, or if you didn't— I had a accident on my rest day, August 28."

TOJILUVR: Awh are you okay [Name]? :(

NIJIGLOCLIPS: omg what happened 😭

[name]smyoshi: I rlly hope you're feeling better ❤️

"I'm all great guys, thanks so so much! It was a stupid reason as to why I got into the accident... like— I was over at a relatives house for a family dinner. Before dinner, my cousins who are younger than me, decided we should all go outside and play on the... the trampoline we had outside the house. Mind you, the younger cousins who are around the ages of 10-14, all had me join them on the trampoline. And I'm thinking 'I'm a grown woman, why should I get on a trampoline?'. obviously you guys it was hot and you guys know I hate the heat, so I was slightly irritated and that thought went through my head as quickly as you could say 'go'. But y'know I wanna be a great cousin and make sure the kiddos know I can be fun and not a workaholic— y'all get what I'm saying?"

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