Chapter 4: Welcome to Velaris

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The sight before me is unlike any I have ever seen before. Bright stars are shining in the sky and the moon look so clear. The city infront of me glows with bright yellow lights and I can practically feel the joy from where I am standing. 

"What is this place?" I look up to Nyx and notice how he seems to shine now that he is home. You can tell he belongs here.  

"This, is Velaris." My breath is taken away. 

I have always thought that the nights in Terrasen where the most beautiful in the world, but oh was I wrong. 

"Here, take my hand and I will take us to my house." Nyx holds out his hand for me to take. 

I slip my hand into his once again. In the blink of an eye I am standing in front of a breathtaking building carved into the mountains. Warm light glows from the many windows. I almost wish my house looked like this. 

"Is this, where you live?" Nyx softly chuckles from beside me as I keep looking around the whole place. 

"Yes, this is the House of Wind, where my family and I live." 

"It's so beautiful." I look up at Nyx and he is already smiling down at me with a twinkle in his eye. 

"Come on, let me introduce you to everyone."

Nyx takes my bag from me in one hand and places the other on the small of my back to guide me into the house. I am suddenly so nervous as I realize I know nothing about these people. This could be a trap for all I know. I tense up under Nyx's touch. I don't even really know Nyx either. 

Once I snap out of my trance I realize I am in a large sort of living room. The room looks so comfortable and homey. There are six other people in the room with us. 

"Nyx your back." A blonde woman with a red dresses starts to cross the room. I look around and realize everyone is looking at Nyx with suggestive eyes. 

"Oh and you found your-" She suddenly stops talking and I look up at Nyx and realize he is giving her a stern look. What was that all about? 

"Mor this is-" Nyx starts.

I move my hand to hver against the dagger at my thigh as I finish Nyx's sentence for him."Evalin, my name is Evalin Leanne Whitethorn Ashryver Galathynius and I am here on behalf of my home Terrasen to learn more about this place.  

A man across the room with long dark hair snickers at me and a scowl back. "Well isn't she just a bundle of joy!" 

A man that looks a lot like Nyx makes his way over to us. He has the same black hair and  piercing violet eyes as Nyx. His walk alone screams power and wealth and I move my hand against my dagger again. Darkness seems to surround him, like he is made of it. I have to look up at him as he stops right in front of me. He takes my hand and places a small kiss on the top. 

"My name is Rhysand, I am Nyx's father." Well that explains the resemblance. "The idiot over their is Cassian, and next to him is Azriel, they are my two best friends." Cassian sends me a wink and Azriel just looks me up and down.

Rhysand gestures to the women who had first approached us. "That is my cousin Morrigan, and behind her is Amren." Morrigan sends me a genuine smile and my nerves are eased. I glance over to the short women behind her. She has short black hair and stares straight into me soul. Her glare is icy and stearn, unlike Morrigans. 

"The stunning women behind me is Ferye, my mate, High Lady of the Night Court, and Nyx's mom." Ferye smiles at me the way all mothers do, so soft and comforting. She radiates warmth unlike her mate. 

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