Chapter 21:Beelzebub

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Your room had started to resemble the first time you had met your now... boyfriend you guess? There had been bigger problems then tittles so you and Terushima hadn't really discussed it. You had dropped by the butcher before returning home with some necessities for the ritual. You were currently on the floor drawing a symbol from your grimoire as Terushima held it open for you. You stopped drawing the symbol you were currently working on before looking up at Terushima and deciding now was as good as another time. 
"Are we dating? Like you are my boyfriend?"

Terushima froze in shock from this question, not from the question itself but the timing of it. In his mind you were already in a relationship but if you need to hear him say it then so be it. He recomposed himself quickly before enthusiastically nodding at you.
"Of course. I've been you boyfriend since we confessed."

You slowly nodded before going back to the symbol on the floor. There was a moment of silence before continuing.
"Hell it's been centuries since i dated someone... what it like now adays?"

You chuckled to yourself, funnily enough you hadn't had an actual boyfriend since your first year of high school and that didn't last long. All your relationship experience since then had been hookups and vicariously through your friends and roommates. You finished hte final symbol before pushing yourself off the floor and answering. 
"Haven't really dated as an adult and our relationship was the closet to one I've had to one in years."

Terushima's eyes lit up a bit as a smile spread across his face.
"Perfect. No competition of Exes."

You laughed at the boy as you retrieved the final touches from your closet and setting them out on the sigil. You grabbed Terushima and took a step back, ensuring your work was correct and admiring it at the same time. You were sure that it was correct this time. Before you could move though Terushima grabbed some of the blood and fixed one of your older symbols just slightly. 

"Think that was it last time?"
You asked him as he returned back to your side.

"The symbol basically is the difference between summon  demon, any demon, and the Kind of demons"
He eagerly nodded at you and explained

You nodded along to show you were understanding him. You grabbed the book from him and took a deep breath while glancing over the incantation. Just as the stress started to overwhelm you there was a warm hand intertwining in yours that gave you the confidence that you needed. You meticulously read over each word, ensuring that you didn't mispronounce anything or stumble on your words. 

There was a worrying silence for a few seconds when you finished the incantation before the room was envelvoped in a bright red light. When then light finally died down you could see a tall man, taller then you'd ever seen, dressed in regal clothes and even more interacted tattoos then Terushimas or Kuroos that covered his entire body before you. He stood in the middle of the sigil with a confused look on his face. You instantly recognized him as Beelzebub, the demon you had tried to summon before but instead got Terushima.  Out of excitement you threw your self into Terushima's arms, feeling him catch you in his arms.

"Excuse me." 
The deep and powerful voice boomed through your room like a super sonic boom. You quickly pushed yourself out of Terushima's arms and straightened your clothes before both you and Teru bowed before him. In your pure excitement you had both forgotten who was in your company and how powerful he was. 

You cleared your throat as you straightened you back and introduced yourself to the King before you. He was seemingly unamused by you and even less so by the demon that stood beside you. You quickly follow his disgusted gaze over to Terushima who looked like he had shrunk in size before speaking.
"I wish for my demon to become a human."

Beelzebub snorted, quickly becoming amused with the human who was brave enough to summon him and demand things. He finally moved from the center of the room and approached you, soon being inches from your face. His finger pressed into your chin and forced you head to look up higher. He examined you, his eyes shimmering a gold as he looked at you, before speaking.
"You know how costly that is young witch..."

You nodded, refusing to let him see you being intimidated by the towering and powerful figure before you. Terushima was very different however, he was fully turned from you and was watching the Demon kings movement very careful. He wasn't really intimidate, more so vigilant,, vigilant for any move that might harm you. 

Beelzebub chuckled again before telling you his offer. 
"After death... you both become loyal to me, succubi in the underworld under my rule."

You went to look over to Terushima for his approval but the Demon Kings hand quickly grabbed your neck and forced you to look up at him. There was no pressure but the act alone was enough to send Terushima into action, quickly going to grab the kings hand and flinging his hand away from you while placing himself between you two. 

This seemed to amuse the king, causing him to chuckle slightly. You cleared you throat and looked over you Terushima, gazing into Beelzebub's eyes.
"We accept..."

The King nodded before bowing his head and snapping his fingers. In a great ball of red light he disappeared and there was silence, other then your heart pounding in your ears. Terushima winced and inhaled sharply as he grabbed at his chest and torse, the tattoos on his body shining brightly. You quickly grasped at his shirt, pulling it up to inspect further only to see the tattoos disappearing.

After they all disappeared and you felt Terushima's body relax a bit, you launch yourself onto him and causing him to fall. You squeezed him tightly as he laughed a bit, squeezing you back just as tightly. Terushima eventually managed to peel you away, a serious tone in his voice as he spoke.
"You do understand what you did right..."

"Hell yeah and it was worth it."
Before you could hear further protests you grabbed Terushima's face and forced him into a deep and passionate kiss.


Its been done....

I always find it funny that it takes me like... a year and a half to finish fanfiction due to ADHD Hyper fixation brain. 

Thank you for attending this shit show and please check out my other work ^-^

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