Chapter 9 - Power

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Terushima had a fun time explaining to your roommates why you looked like you had been left in an alley for a few days when you finally got home. Out of suspicion of him drugging you and not trusting him as soon as he set you down in your bed, they rushed him out of the apartment. In the morning they would hear you out and make their judgments.

However, Terushima was a demon with magical powers. So one of the many times you woke up that night, you saw Terushima, sitting on the bed next to you.

You quietly mumbled, after seeing the demon out of the corner of your eye. You must have caught him off guard cause he jumped a hit, causing you to giggle.

After a second of contemplation, the demon laid down next to you, facing you with a soft smile.
"Morning... barely, it's 3 am."

"Ah... the witching hour."
You mumbled. Between you barely being awake and being basically drugged your filter was gone.

Terushima furrowed his brows with a bit of confusion before glazing over your words. His voice remained sort of soft when speaking to you, almost like he was a concerned friend.
"Anyways... how are you feeling?"

You mumbled as you moved closer to him, opening your eyes more to meet his.
"Thank you though.. for protecting me."

"Well, that is why you summoned me right?"
Terushima chuckled a bit.

"Yeah but you actually did... then brought me home without touching me... must of been tempting..."
You stared into Terushima's soul, analyzing every movement he made while you spoke.

Terushima shook his head, pausing and thinking for a moment before responding to you.
"I told you I'd never touch you without permission."

"I think saying I want you is permissi-"

Terushima quickly cut you off before you could finish your thought.
"At least not really... his pheremones had you. Not even mine."
Terushima softly laughed, attempting to lighten the mood a bit.

With that, you had the answer you wanted. You scooted closer, cuddling into Terushima's chest while your hands slowly wrapped around his waist.
"Thank you again..."
You repeated, slowly drifting back off to sleep.

".... of course..."
You faintly heard Terushima say as his arms hesitantly wrapped around you as well, tightly holding you to his chest. Within seconds you drifted off to sleep in the safety of Terushima's arms.

When you woke Terushima had disappeared, assumedly to avoid your roommates hanging him. You trudged out of your room to see your roommate in the kitchen. As soon as you were spotted all eyes were in you, everyone wanting to know what happened yet not wanting to bring it up. You decided to be the one to bring it up but you couldn't just say a demon used their pheromones on you and almost fucked you but Terushima rescued you now could you?

"I drank too much."
You broke the uncomfortable silence as you poured yourself a cup of coffee. You leaned against the counter as you continued to explain to your roommates.
"I almost passed out in an alley but Terushima brought me home."

There was a moment of silence before your roommates sighed and shook your head while one laughed at you.

"I'm happy he's a good one! He's made you so much more tolerable since you got together."
One of them piped up before completely changing the topic.

Tolerable? You weren't that bad. He was childish most of the time and balanced you out well though, you had to agree there.

As your roommates chattered on you heard a knock on the door. Perfectly on time, it was Terushima. Before he could say a word you pulled him into the apartment and closed the door behind him.
"I already explained it to them. They are back to loving you."

"Oh... so that was for nothing..."
Terushima sighed before following you into the kitchen.

The room fell silent as he entered. Your roommates and him exchanged a smile as you grabbed an apple and disappeared into your room with him.

You locked your bedroom door behind you and hopped onto your bed as you started to eat your breakfast.
"Do you not have any other contracts? Actually, better question. When was your last contract?"

Terushima looked like you had just flash-bombed him briefly before recomposing himself and sitting next to you. He thought for a moment before looking back towards you.
"The last contract was roughly in the 1700s."

Your eyes grew wide at his response. You did not expect to be his first contract but for it to be so long since his last contract.

"I eat of course. But only what I need and with who wants to feed me and I never partake in demon wars so.... I'm kinda weak..."
Terushima looked away a bit bashfully as he explained his circumstances.

There are three main ways incubi and demons can grow their power; through multiple contracts, feeding often, or being on the right side of a battle in the demon world. If Terushima only ate when he needed to and never got contracts or won a war he was probably one of the weakest demons. You groaned as you flopped back into your bed, in disbelief at your luck.

Terushima laughed at you before poking your side.
"Come on. At least I'm not Kuroo~"

You shot up at the name of the demon who almost took advantage of you.
"We are basically at the same power levels... but at least you respect me..."

Terushima scoffed, folding his arms over his chest with a small smile.
"I have better control though."

You shrugged as you stood and went to throw your apple core away.
"Yeah, but we need to work on getting you more powerful...."
You smirked as you turned back to Terushima and started to approach him again.

You stopped directly in front of him and let one of your fingers trace the bottom if his jaw to his chin, forcing him to look back up at you.
"You wanna gain power?"

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