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"What do you want Katherine" Elena practically spat the words at her. For some reason, this affected Katherine in a way she couldn't understand. It felt like she had stabbed her.
"Is it really so bad for me to want to talk to you?" Katherine teased. She heard Elena sigh and some ruffling.
"Katherine... just tell me what it is" Elena quipped.
"I need to talk to you"
"Just meet me at the mystic grill at 3"
Elena sighed "fine"

Katherine was sat on a bar stool, sipping a vodka soda. When the hell will she be here? She downed the rest of her drink and asked for another one. As she was draining the new one, someone slid into the stool next to her.

Katherine smirked "hey Elena" she did with a smile.
"Hey" she muttered. "What do you want"
Katherine sighed "many things. But that's not why you're here"
"Katherine" Elena's voice was cold.
"Fine. It's you"
"Huh?" Elena was clearly confused.
"You asked me what I wanted. It's you"
Elena just stared at her, her mouth hanging open. Katherine stared back.
"I'm dating Stefan" Elena stammered
" I know. But we both know you want me more" Katherine slipped off the stool and leaned over to whisper in Elena's ear. "Call me" she winked and walked away

She was sitting on the roof of mystic halls high school.  Jesus Christ when is this bell going to ring? As if on cue, the ring of the bell caught Katherine's attention. She jumped of the room and leaned against the front door. A sea of students was posing out the door. She searched the faces for her own. When she caught her eye, Elena's eyes glimmered for only a second and then dulled. She pushed through the students and stood in front of Katherine.
"What are you doing here" she hissed
Katherine shrugged.
"People will see you" she looked around and grabbed Katherine's arm, dragging her to the back of the school.  Katherine leaned against the brick wall
"What are you doing here" Elena repeated
"You know why" she said with a coy smile.
"I told you, I'm dating Stefan!" She yelled.
"No need to shout princess"
Elena rolled her eyes and leaned next time her.
"We both know what I want, the question is, what do you want?" Katherine asked her.
"I want you to not show up at my school unannounced!" She hissed. Katherine rolled her eyes. "Stop lying to yourself" she stage whispered. Elena ran a hand through her heart and huffed.  Katherine righted herself and started to strut away.
"Wait" she heard Elena call out. Katherine didn't turn.
"Meet me at the lake on Saturday. At 10" Katherine simply giggled and continued to walk away.

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