Chapter 2: Unveiling Secrets

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I layed staring at a blank black screen of my old Iphone from year 7.  I jumped off my blue and white striped bed and headed down the hallway to where Noah's room to ask if he knows who Ava is dating. or if he has seen her with any boys looking suspicious. 

"hey muffin head do you know who Ava is dating" I asked.

"who Ava Conti" he asked me.

"yeah" I said to him.

" nah not sure, to be honest I didn't even know she had a boyfriend. Wow so you're the last one standing huh? Maybe I should get you together with Nate" he said with the slightest bit of chuckle in his voice.

"your so annoying you know that" I replyed in a sharp tone

Laughing he walked away and made his way down the matte black stairs heading into the dining room.

" hey do you know when dads coming home apparently he comes sometime before we go to school according to serena" he yelled from the bottom of the stairs. serena was the house maid she always helped around with almost anything we needed. she was almost like a mother to us especially when dad wasn't around she would always help with homework and always got us the stuff we needed for school. I loved serena she was always nice and caring of us and never let us down we we needed her.

"nah Im not sure when he is coming home hopefully he actually is back before school though because we haven't seen him much this holidays" i said.

"yeah hopefully" Noah replyed back to me.

"don't forget im going out with Ethan today so I wont be back till later" Noah said

"okay ill see you when you get back then" I yelled

"cy-" I had got cut off again by the shut of the front door. Standing at the top of the stairways I stare down at the bottom of the stairs for a second then turn around and start heading back into my room. Walking back I noticed that noahs door was open to his room and his phone was left on the bed.

"interesting" I sigh to myself.

I push his door open and make my way towards his bed and grabbed his phone. Guessed the password rather easily because it was his birth date which is the same as mine. when I hear the front door open and someone running up the stairs. It sounded like Noah thinking quickly I hid myself under his bed in fear he might find me with his phone. Shit I thought to myself he's gonna find out I was on his phone. 


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