9.His Friends.

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The weekend passed by uneventful. Yvette had stayed in all weekend eating popcorn and watching movies then working on her assignments. Cara still refused to pick her calls, Joalie for some reason couldn't hang out during the weekend and her cousin had found a valentine date which she had gone out with to get to know him better.

All in all,it was one of the worst weekends she had ever experienced.

With a tired sigh,she dragged her jelly bones out of bed to get ready for another maddening day at school.

After a warm shower and the usual morning routine,she opened her wardrobe and picked out an outfit to wear for school while checking her phone for new texts.

She had only two. One from Joalie asking what time she should be ready and the other was from...
"Harvey?"she questioned aloud.

"Uh!what!uh,i would like the chicken breast please?" Michelle sprouted up from the massive duvet on Yvette's bed,muttering. She stared around for some seconds before she spotted Yvette."oh!it's just you."

Yvette glanced at her cousin and rolled her eyes."you have a room you are supposed to stay in Michelle,stop attacking mine."
"I love your bed so much cousin and if it's that Harvey guy that texted you,i want the full deetz later cos right now,I'm going back to bed."

Yvette rolled her eyes again and focused her attention back to her phone. She tapped on Joalie's message and texted quickly.

Let's take the subway this
morning. Forget the fact
that I hate crowds i just
don't want to drive today😐.

After replying Joalie,she moved on to Harvey's text and opened it. The soft smile on her face got wiped off as soon as she saw the message was Spanish.
"You sure do know how to get on my nerves Harvey."she muttered to herself. She glared at his message for awhile before typing something back angrily and tossing her phone into her backpack.
A single knock sounded on her door and the next moment, Adeline was sticking her head in.
"You asked for my spanish dictionary last night right?"
"Wow,such a respectful way of greeting me little sis." Yvette scoffed as she faced her sister while trying to pin her hair up.
Adeline rolled her eyes and stretched the pocket dictionary. "Do you want it or not?"she snapped.
Yvette reached out and grabbed it."yes i do,now scram."

Adeline rose a brow at Yvette's tone and stepped inside. The latter let out a groan of displeasure.
"Why do you like doing the opposite of what i tell you to do?"
"Because you don't say it nicely."
"And you do?"
"I'm the perfect little sister to you. You should start doing the same."
Yvette scoffed then gave her sister a onceover. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for school?"
"I am ready. It's career day today at school."
"And you're only wearing a jumpsuit and hoop earrings?" Yvette questioned as if she couldn't believe Adeline's guts.
"I'm going as myself. Nothing tops that."
"Cos I'm iconic and i love to do iconic shi-"
"Don't you dare use that word right in front of me young lady!"
"What! You use it in front of me everytime."

"Your sister is right Yvette." Michelle spoke up,raising herself up and sitting upright with a loud yawn following. "And besides,what do you need the Spanish dictionary for?"she added and Adeline perked up.
"Yeah,why do you need my pocket dictionary?"
Yvette stared at her cousin and sister for some seconds before grabbing her backpack quickly and face cap."none of your business. I'm off ,bye!" She gushed out and started for the door  with unimaginable speed.
"But it's just 6:45am!" Michelle called loudly after her.

She ignored their laughter afterwards and made her way downstairs and straight to the kitchen back door. The walk to the subway station was close to 29 minutes so she connected her airpods to her phone and wore them. Her mind drifted to the moments she and Adam had shared. It still baffled her...the effect he still had on her even after what he had done.

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