16. Inches between us

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That same week...
Thursday...A day before the competition.

"Ugh...i still feel shitty weak guys. Talking to you guys feels like my lips will tear any second." Joalie complained as Mabel spoon fed her puree while Yvette massaged her toes.

"Well, I'm glad you can at least talk now. You were dead ass silent on Tuesday." Mabel replied.
"Well,I'm glad that the surgery was successful." Yvette added and Mabel laughed.
"You should have seen her Jo. She was praying so hard,i feared she would ascend."
Yvette scoffed. "Yeah well,  it doesn't work like that Mabel."

Joalie smiled. "I'm really glad to see you guys getting along. It warms my heart."

Yvette smiled and patted Joalie's toes before letting go. "By the way,we have a surprise for you." She started then looked to Mabel and gave a nod.

Joalie stared at the two of them strangely. "Uhhhh....what is going on? What did you guys do?" She demanded and the duo shrugged.

"Hmm...nothing really." Mabel replied.
"It's just...Otto. We invited him to the hospital." Yvette said then ducked her head and covered her ears as did Mabel.

"What!" Joalie yelled then flinched at the pain she caused herself. "You told him i was here? That i had...wait...oh my God! I look terrible. He's going to see me looking sickly in a terrible but fancy hospital gown." She started to panic and Mabel quirked her brow.

"Girl, do you know how pretty you look for someone that is sick. You're literally slaying that fancy hospital gown."

Yvette sighed. "She literally doesn't know how unfair she's being by saying that."

"I mean, ever since middle school you like literally stopped flaunting your beauty." Mabel countered and Joalie frowned.

"You told a cute boy to come over when i can barely even walk?!"

"But you can talk." Mabel pointed out and received a glare in return.

Yvette sighed and walked over to the bed top. She sat on the chair next to the bed and patted her best friend hand. "Look, you and Otto have been texting for two days now hunny and I'm tired of helping you to text while you just literally turn bitchy when i text the wrong thing."

"I couldn't even talk Yvette. I used my eyes."

"Even worse Bitch. Look, all I'm saying is you guys have chemistry and what better way to move forward than showing him while you haven't been in school so he can care for you at least."

"And i can take a break." Mabel added and Joalie pouted.

"Fine but...fix me up. Do something to make me look pretty at least." She protested and Mabel eyed her in annoyance.
"Make me feel insecure one more time by mentioning how ridiculously pretty you are and I'll have your ass smacked."

Yvette and Joalie giggled. "I'm pretty sure you can't do that." Yvette said and Mabel rolled her eyes playfully.
"Besides, you're pretty yourself. Boys literally tell you that everywhere you go. I'm the only plain jane here." She added and Mabel scoffed.
"Yeah...plain jane indeed. Plain jane but you're drawing two of the hottest guys in school at once." She drawled.

"If you're talking about Zade, alright. But Harvey? Nahhh. He definitely does not have a thing for me." Yvette said and shook her head. "He clearly doesn't."

"So the googly eyes you two give eachother are what? My imagination? Even Joalie sees it too." Mabel said and Joalie agreed.
"And he teases you a lot too."
"He gives me googly eyes so what? Harvey literally looks at every girl as if they're sweet candy that he'll love to eat even if he doesn't do it on purpose." Yvette argued back and Mabel shrugged.
"Suit yourself honey."

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