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I woke to the sound of knocking. I opened my eyes to find a gun tapping against the glass of my pod.

"Shaken wake, sleepy. Shaken wake." The man with the gun said.

I pushed the door open, taking a step out, and towards the group of six strangers.

"Who are you?" Another brown haired guy asked.

I racked my brain before realising that I couldn't remember.

"You don't remember, do you?" He said before I could respond.

I shook my head slightly.

The first man sighed. "Well hell."

"That makes seven of us." The second guy said.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We all woke up just like you, no memories, no idea who we are or how we got here." He responded.

I giant door opened behind him.

"Hey guys, check this out."


"What is this place?" Another man asked as we surveyed the room.

"A ship. Looks like we're dead in space." The brown haired man responded.

"Systems were down and we were venting atmosphere. I was able to get us back online and restore the ships auto repair protocol." A beautiful woman said.

"How did you do that?" I asked curious.

The woman turned towards me. "I don't know exactly, I was standing there at the console and it just...came to me."

"Well that's a good thing, it will all come back to us eventually, right?"

I was skeptical. The beautiful woman opened a locker and pulled a jacket out.

"If anyone is feeling underdressed." She said.

I stepped towards the cabinets, grateful to put a little more clothes on.

I opened the second one and found it was divided in half. I looked through the clothes on the right, finding that they were exactly my style.

I slipped on a black jacket to cover my bare shoulders, and a belt holster around my hips, deciding that I would look through more of the clothes later. I grabbed the only pair of shoes available, a pair of black combat boots. I found that they fit snugly and was about to close the locker when I saw a box a lying beneath the hung up clothes.

Looking closer, I noticed it was metal and had a lock, keeping it closed. Making a mental note to investigate later, I closed the door, returning to the conversation.

"Now we've named ourselves by the order we've woken up in." Brown haired guy said. "I'm one, she's two." He gestures to the beautiful woman, then looking over to the gun man from earlier, who was smashing a locked crate with a metal pipe. "Three." He listed off the rest of the numbers before saying. "Which makes you seven." I nodded in response.

"We've got comms." Two said holding out a small box.

I eagerly took one and put it in my ear.

"So what do you think? We the crew of some transport vessel on some long range haul?" Six asked.

"Would explain what we were doing in stasis. Ship gets into trouble, takes some damage, systems shuts down, when life support hits critical hazard protocols kick in and we're automatically awakened."

"Still doesn't explain the memory loss." I chipped in.

Three finally managed to break into the huge box.

"Got it." He said

"So what are we shipping?" One asked. "Seeds? Meds?"

"Better." Three pulled out a huge gun. "Who wants?"

Five stepped forward to take one but Two stopped her saying, "I don't think so." Five objected but Two kept talking. "We're gonna need to check this place out, let's pair off. Three, your with Six. One with Four. And I'll go with Five and Seven. We'll use these comms to keep in touch."

I grabbed a stun gun and a pistol, putting one in each of my leg holsters.


The three of us made our way to the bridge.

Two started using the controls straight away, with five looking over her shoulder.

"Are you gonna fix it?" Five asked

"I'm gonna try." Two responded.

I hopped up onto the first flat surface I could find, dangling my legs beneath me.

After a while Five asked another question.

"Why is that flashing red?"

I turned my attention towards them, hopping off the spot I was sitting in.

"That's strange. The ships computer just initiated some sort of security protocol." Two replied.

Then a voice came through the comms.

"This is Six! We're under attack."

I furrowed my brow.

"By who?" Two asked. "Under attack by who?"

Five and I exchanged a nervous glance.

"We need help, anybody!" Two said over the comms.

"We heard! Tell us where to go." One's voice came.

"I can track your comms. Take the next right...left...the next intersection."

"Is somebody gonna die?" Five asked, sounding scared.

"No. Not of if I can help it." Two said.

I put a hand on Fives shoulder in an attempt at reassurance. She smiled weakly at me.

"Some sort of security protocol has been activated." Two kept typing away.

"Well override it!" I heard Fours strangled voice say.

"I'm trying." She said, then after a second she let out a sigh of relief. "I did it. Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, took you long enough, doll face."

Seven- A dark matter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now