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I was in the infirmary with the android lying on the table when Three, One and Four walked in.

"We found food, who wants?" Three asked, throwing Six, Five and I one.

I was about to take a bite of mine when Six spoke.

"Ugh, you sure?"

"Close enough." Three said.

I looked down in distaste at the thing I was about to consume and decided against trying it.

"What's up with the robot?" Three asked.

"Technically she's an android." Two replied. "Her bio synthetic physiology is incredibly similar to that of our ships outer hull."

"That's fascinating." Three said sarcastically.

"She is an extremely efficient entity." Two leaned over the android. "Corrector nanites have nearly completely restored her broken parts."

"Well that's not a problem. We can just stick her in the airlock and space her."

"That won't be necessary." Two sounded defensive. "I have already deleted all her security directives and re-established her base programming. She is no longer a threat to us. And she could prove useful."

"Woah. We are not waking that thing up." One said.

"Don't be a baby." I said. "You heard Two, she's no longer a threat to us."

One gave me a look.

"Exactly. And the diagnostics suggest she possesses some sort of neural link with the ships mainframe. Once she's back online she'll be able to run a more effective repair command. She'll have us space worthy in no time." After a pause she said. "She may also have some answers for us if any bodies curious."

I liked the sound of that.

"Ok start her up." One said. He pointed his gun at the android and Four drew his sword.

Six and Three also pulled out their guns as Two put the chip into the Androids neck.

I kept I hand on my gun, ready to pull it out of things went sideways.

The android flexed her hand, still lying down.

"What's your name?" One asked.

"I possess no personal designation." The androids voice came out robotic.

"Yeah there's a lot of that going around." Six said.

"Why did you attack us?" One questioned.

"I have no memory of such an attack." The Android replied.

"The reboot must've wiped her data stores." Two said, still standing right next to the Android.

"Well ain't that convenient." Three said gruffly.

The Android sat up suddenly and everyone gasped.

"I want you to initiate a neural link with the ships computer." Two said calmly. "Can you do that?"

"Of course."

"Now I want you to access any and all data relating to the passengers on board this ship." Two continued.

The Android closed her eyes, quickly opening them again.

"No such data exists." She said bluntly.

I felt deflated. I wanted answers, who were these people? Could I trust them? And who am I?

"Any information in this ships records about its crew? Or its mission?" One asked, not putting his gun down.

Once again the Android closed her eyes and repeated, "No such data exists."

"How is that possible?" Six asked.

"Someone did it on purpose, data doesn't just delete itself." I said, annoyed that we weren't getting information.

"She's right. There are redundancies in place to protect against data loss. Someone deliberately deleted that information." Two confirmed.

Everyone looked at each other, unsure who to trust.


I followed Two and Android to the bridge, taking a seat as Two asked Android to show her the controls.

I found myself zoning out, and trying to solve the puzzle of who wiped our memories. But I found that I was just going in circles, and soon concluded that I would have to wait till I had more information.

I tuned back in to hear an alarm going off around us.

"What's that for." I asked, walking over to where Android and Two were.

"It appears another vessel has entered our scanning range." Android said.

"And their course?" Two asked.

"They're headed straight for us. But I don't believe they intend to render assistance."

"Why not?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Because they just launched missiles." My stomach dropped. "Time to impact: 60 seconds."

"Time to impact: 50 seconds." The Android said, we were running out of time."

"What can we do?" Two asked.

"This ship is also equipped with  various countermeasures I can initiate... would you like me to show you?" She asked.

"Just do it!" Two said, slightly annoyed.

We boosted forward.

"Based on our current acceleration, Tim to impact is now 40 seconds."

"We can't outrun it?" Two sounded panicked.

I shook my head, already knowing the answer.

"I'm already pushing our engines past maximum." The Android said.

"What about a jump to FTL?" Two walked over to another console.

"We don't have time to execute the necessary nav calculations."

"So we're screwed?" I said, pretty much accepting the fact.

"No." Two stated firmly. "We just need options."

"I could attempt further evasive manoeuvres but at this speed they could overtax our artificial gravity." Android said.

"Do it!"

I felt myself getting lifted slowly off the ground, floating in the air. It was a nice feeling.

Suddenly I dropped and I was facing with my head towards the ground. I quickly outstretched my arms and landed in a combat roll.

"Calculations complete. Jumping to FTL."

I sighed in relief before hearing Sixes voice over the comms.

"This is Six, Fives been knocked unconscious. We need you in the infirmary."

Two and I quickly got up, starting down the maze of halls.

We were almost there when I felt a sharp pain in my head. I yelled out, crumpling down to my knees. My head felt like a knife was being driven into it, it was on fire.

But then, the pain stopped as quickly as it started.

I looked to my left to see Two kneeling down next to me, hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked, voice full of concern. "What happened?"

"I- I don't know, my head just started hurting all of a sudden."

"We'll get the Android to check it out later, let's go."

"Ok." I said, the thought of the pain still on my mind.

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