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After a lot more arguing about what to do with the new information, we decided to stick to our original plan. Give the miners half the guns and sell the other half.

I went to my room, needing space so I could think about what we just learnt.

I lied down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. A million thoughts were running through my head.

What did I want the others to call me? Alyssa? It sounded weird and I wasn't sure I wanted to go back to who I was before the mind wipe. I decided I would stick to Seven until I knew more information.

I thought about how Five wasn't on the crew list. Why was she here? Was she a stowaway? Maybe even a prisoner?

I sighed, all the question were starting to hurt my head.

But then something else started to hurt my head. Just like before a sharp pain hurt my head. But this time I found it too much to bare.

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Two's voice on the comms, asking to talk to me.


Light flashed behind my eyelids and a scene began to play out.

"Hello my princess." A males voice filled my ears.

I saw that I was in a living room, light flooded through curtains as I moved towards the guy who had spoken.

I noticed music playing faintly in the background. I recognised the song.

He grabbed my waist, picking me up and spinning me in the air.

I laughed airily, "Noah!" I grinned down at the man.

Then suddenly the memory cut out.

I felt my eyes open to Two's concerned face.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"What happened?" I asked, everything feeling hazy. I glanced around and found that I was in the infirmary.

"I wanted to talk to you but you weren't responding on the comms so I came looking for you in your room. At first I thought you were sleeping but then you were unresponsive." Two explained.

"Yeah I remember passing out." I said, then the memory came back to me. "And I remembered something else!" I sat up suddenly.

"What? Was it something from your past?" Five asked. I turned my head to face her, she was sitting on a table next to me.

"Yeah...nothing important though." I said, getting the feeling that the memory was private.

"Oh ok. I was hoping it would be helpful."

"No, sorry." I scanned the room. "Where's everyone else?"

"They went back down to the planet to deliver the guns." Two said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you can trust One?"

Two let out a small chuckle. "I told Six to keep an eye on him, make sure he comes back."

"Yeah that's probably smart." I said.

"Once they're back, I'll get the Android to do a scan on you, find out what's causing these headaches. She's a little busy right now, flying the ship." Two told me, I nodded in response.

"So how do you feel about this new information?" I asked, changing the subject.

Two sighed. "Honestly? I'm not sure. I would say I wish I didn't know, but I have a feeling that would make me want to know all over again."

I understood what she meant, I had been feeling the same. "Well I guess the next thing to do is figure out who wiped our memories." I said.

"No one wiped them, it was an accident." Two sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

"No it wasn't." I heard Five say confidently, I almost forgot she was there.

Before we had the chance to think much about what she said, Androids voice came in over the intercom.

"Two, you need to come to the bridge immediately."

We all quickly got up and rushed there. The song from my memory floated through my head the whole way. It was cherry and upbeat, so it didn't really fit the atmosphere.

*Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up*

I shook the song lyrics from my mind, instead focussing on the problem we could be facing

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