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"yden.., Hayden.., HAYDEN!"
After hearing his name being yelled at max volume, Hayden almost jumped up from his bed. He woke up breathing extremely fast and instantly looked around at his surroundings. There he found the culprit to his morning anxiety. Nick.

"What the fuck?" Hayden cursed, still a little hazy in the head. "Good fucking morning?" Nick cursed back or probably greeted him, only he knows the answer to that. "Why are you here and why would you do that?" Hayden asked, dumbfounded. His eyes still not fully opened. "What do you mean why am I here? I stayed over yesterday 'cause you asked me to stupid-fucking-ass. Also you have exactly 12 minutes to get ready for school, that is why I did that." Nick finished and Hayden kept blinking till he actually realized what was going on.

He jumped out of his bed, running for the bathroom straight. Nick sighing, left the room. Hayden got out of the bathroom in seven minutes and got dressed in five. He put on the first thing he saw. He looked at his wall clock, 2 minutes till his first period starts.

Fuck! I was supposed to meet Christina and Clayton before first period.— Hayden thought. He quickly ran downstairs, the maids told him that Nick was outside in the car. For once in his life he was proud of Nick being a little less dumb and actually hurrying.

"There's no damn way we're catching our first class." Nick snorted. "Obviously. Our first period started 6 minutes ago. Also what's so funny?" Hayden inquired, giving him a quick look before turning his head towards the front. "Shut up and drive smartass, we're already so late 'cause of you." Nick said, rolling his eyes. "Who even told you to wait for me?" Hayden questioned, annoyed at Nick's slight nags.
"Uh, my conscience?"
"Are you stupid?"

Nick rushed to his class. There was still 5 minutes left till his first period ended so, that meant he could still give his attendance. Attendance mattered a little too much at Wissen high.

He entered his class and his eyes fell straight towards Christina. He forgot he had today's first period with her. The teacher looked Hayden dead in the eye and proceeded to question. "Mr. Hermès." the teacher called out. "I apologize and my reasoning is my car broke down and I ran here." Hayden explained with a straight face, more like lied with a straight face.

"You expect me to believe that?" "Yes." The teacher sighed and told him to give his attendance and get the fuck out of her class. She also mentioned she doesn't get paid enough for this. Before leaving the class Hayden made sure to give Christina a gesture to meet him before she goes to her next class. And so she did meet him.

"No way your car broke down!" Christina exclaimed. "Of course it didn't. I slept in. Anyways! I can't go to Clayton right now, mainly 'cause I don't know what class he has right now so, let's all meet at lunch?" Hayden asked, explaining the 'situation' to Christina. She agreed and decided to meet at lunch, after that the both of them parted ways to go to their classes.

Hayden was on his last class before lunch so he was pretty excited. A threesome with Christina is something he never imagined but something he would never oppose to as well. As he was going to enter his class, he saw Apollo walking in with two of his friends. A girl and a boy. Those two looked more like a couple.

Apollo entered the class before Hayden and the teacher surprisingly stopped Apollo. "Mr. Hart." Mr. Brown, the teacher called out. Then he proceeded to look at Hayden. "And Mr. Hermès. I heard you two were having problems earlier this year." Mr. Brown  inquired. Apollo and Hayden shared a look before Hayden replied. "Uh, yes?" he hesitated. "Great, no problems are allowed in my class. Therefore, from now on you two will be seated together in my class and behave." Mr. Brown said, dismissing them and putting a little too much pressure on the 'behave'.

Mr. Brown was known for being strict so, Apollo and Hayden didn't talk back and instead found two seats to sit beside each other.

"Hey." Apollo greeted Hayden for the first time ever. "Wow. Nice to make your acquaintance." Hayden replied, sarcastically. "Just be normal, Hayden." Apollo groaned lightly. "That just makes me want to be more abnormal." Hayden chuckled, lightly enough so that Mr. Brown won't hear.

They stayed quiet for a little while but Hayden as usual wasn't good with silence sometimes. "Did we really act that bad with each other?" he whispered, close to Apollo. "Yeah." Apollo replied. "Do you have nothing better to say except for yes?" he asked whispering, one of his brows slightly lifted. "What do you want me to say?" Apollo questioned back. "Anything."

"Uh, did you meet up with Christina recently?" Apollo asked. "Oh yes, about that. Also don't you have anything to ask me except for asking about Christina? I'm hurt." Hayden joked. "Oh. Uh sorry, I really don't know what else to say." Apollo took it seriously and apologized. Hayden's eyes were wide open. He didn't think Apollo would take it seriously, he thought Apollo would counter with something worse. Something that would be worth getting your feelings hurt over.

"I was kidding! And I'll tell you about Christina while walking to the cafeteria." Hayden said and Apollo just nodded in reply.

"So" Hayden paused. "Wait. Before I continue, do you still have feelings for Christina or like a possessiveness or something that you have left for her. 'Cause this is gonna include her indulging in uh what was the word? Intercourse. I'm trying to be not too vulgar about it since I don't wanna get on your bad side again." Hayden explained. "Nope, I really don't care anymore. What is it about? Though if it's mediocre sex between you two, I don't wanna hear."

"No it's not about that. Also we don't have mediocre sex." Hayden sighed. "As if I'd know." Apollo muttered. "Well, you could." Hayden murmured. "What?" Apollo questioned. "We're having a threesome. Uh probably with your friend." Hayden said, hoping Apollo wouldn't react badly.

"Who?" Apollo inquired. "Your team's vice captain, Clayton." Hayden replied. Apollo didn't say anything more and just kept quietly walking with Hayden towards the cafeteria.

Just when they were about to enter Apollo stopped Hayden. "God, this isn't gonna sound too well." Apollo sighed. "Just spit it out." Hayden urged. "You guys could've just asked me if basketball boys were what you were going for. I mean I'm the captain. Ugh this is embarrassing. Just thought I was a good fit or I'm just egoistic." Apollo said, chuckling a little to himself. "Could be the latter." Hayden joked, shrugging. To which Apollo rolled his eyes.

"Actually, she wanted you instead of Clayton but we thought you wouldn't agree 'cause well." Hayden paused. "Well?" Apollo gestured to continue. "You might just hate us?" Hayden said, squinting his eyes a little.

"So great at assuming, just not when it comes to why Christina might've bailed on a date with me." Apollo teased, reminding of what happened before. "Yes yes." Hayden sighed. "Do it with us. Judging from it's you, you've definitely done it before. No doubt." Hayden stated the obvious.
"Well, it's whatever. Anyway, it's a threesome for a reason. Ask Christina first." Apollo sighed.

"Ask me what?" Christina chimed in, surprising the two boys who were now looking at her, oblivious.

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