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cordelia sat amongst her peers at the ravenclaw table, laughing and chatting with her friends. her breakfast lay untouched, except for the glass of marmalade, which did not even contain a single drop. lily evans, her sister, sat to her right, reading a book as thick as cordelia's hair, which was something.

sirius black, the infamous prankster of hogwarts, walks upto the ravenclaw table, which he does once in a blue moon. 

"hey lia" he said, his cheeks red as lily's gryffindor tie. "wanna go on a walk?" he asked. cordelia got up from the table happily, and smiled at him, her fingers closing into his. they exit the great hall, and walk towards the endless verdant lawns. 

"I was wondering if you would come to hogsmeade with me?" she asked, knowing very well what his answer would be. and, as she expected, he said yes. they had been dating for a month now, and cordelia was never happier. they sat under a tree, laughing at his jokes, kissing until it got dark. 

"what do you even like about him?" people asked. "he changes a girlfriend every week!" honestly, there were many things. maybe his charisma, or his sweet smile, or his shyness around her, or his hot abs. he having a crush on cordelia was as obvious as james having a crush on lily. but anyone would say, evans girls were worth dying for. 

it was way past curfew, but she and sirius were laying on the grass next to each other, talking about the stars scattered across the deep blue sky.

"and thats orion, my father was named after it" sirius said. "not that visible, but has a harmful light"

"y'know, orion was one of the hunters of the greek moon goddess, artemis. and he was the only male" cordelia replied, a smile forming. sirius turned to meet her eyes, as deep and beautiful as the sea, a mixture of green and blue. they kissed for the last time, and left to the castle, were they parted to their common rooms.


"he's a bad influence on you" lily said, her emerald eyes in slits. "i swear, he's gonna bring you on the streets!" cordelia chuckled.

"oh lils, i would say the same for james potter" she replied, leaving the redhead in confusion.

"wait, what do you mean-?" she asked, running to catch up with her sister. cordelia smirked.

"i know very well about your crush life, lily evans" lily gaped at her.

"no, i don't like him-i swear i don't-"

"save your breath. you should give him a chance, whether you like him or not" with that, cordelia ran towards the ravenclaw table, before lily could slam her on the head with her heavy textbook.

sirius watched the girls chase each other, a smile forming on his lips. he watched his girlfriends auburn curls fly around her face, and sea green eyes alight with amusement. he had always wondered where she had got to know about so many greek and roman legends, with her not being able to read properly due to her dyslexia. and the biggest mystery sirius had to solve, why the redhead was sorted into ravenclaw. even though remus said that reading many books doesn't matter in ravenclaw, and only intelligence does, sirius wondered if cordelia had requested the hat to place her in ravenclaw. but then again, it didn't make sense, because cordelia would have never wanted to be separated from her sister. 

suddenly, he heard a blood curdling scream, that sent a chill down his smile. lily evans stood in the middle, her hands over her mouth, and he watched as she dropped them and shouted at someone.

"GET YOUR HANDS OF HER" she screamed. nobody moved. the teachers stood up, not knowing what to do, shouting orders at each other to get dumbledore. sirius' eyes drifted towards cordelia, and his grey eyes widened. a person wearing a black cloak had a dagger on cordelia's throat, which had slit open slightly, and now sirius could see blood dripping from it. panic crawled up his throat, and he ran towards her, ready to punch or hex the person holding her. but she stopped him and smiled. the cloaked figure sheathed the dagger and stood in front of cordelia, and the next thing that happened almost gave him a heart attack. the figure bowed to her, its voice like rocks hitting against a metal sheet. 

"the sacrifice is done, my lady" it said. then it rose up, and handed a gold piece of something that looked like chocolate.

"what the fuck is going on?" lily asked, her eyes darting left and right. sirius also wanted to know. who was this figure, and how was cordelia related to it? the figure turned to them, and sirius got a glimpse of golden hair.

"everyone out here, SIT DOWN!" it screeched. sirius could feel its command sink into his bones, and he immeadiately sat down. everybody else did the same, except for dumbledore. 

"what is going on!" dumbles asked, his blue eyes lit with fury. 

"you know very well what's going on, albus" a voice, soft and feminine said. the lady, who was standing next to cordelia now, seemed to have appeared from the shadows.

"did she just apparate?" a few students whispered.

"no, that's impossible" a few replied.

"i am hecate, the goddess of magic, the creator of your race" the woman said. many people laughed, including sirius himself.

"a goddess, no way" james said, barely controlling his laughter. and then, james was floating upwards, screaming, as snakes coiled around him. the lady did not use a wand to hex him. instead, a purple magic ball was floating in between her fingers, and her grin was unforgetable.

"oh, how i miss taunting mortals" she said, sighing. the next thing sirius knew, his family, the ministry of magic, other families, and almost everyone in the wizarding world were sitting with him, in the great hall. everybody looked confused, and Dedalus diggle was wearing his boxer shorts, as if he had just come out of the bathroom. hecate repeated her words, and still, people didn't believe her.

"she's right" the minister of magic said, his eyes darkening with fear. "the greek gods exist, and all the greek myths aren't myths at all!" he said, his voice radiating fear.

"now, i am sure you all must be confused, but after watching the contents in this big screen, i am sure they will all disappear. oh, and i need to add a few people" she said. sirius thought this hall wouldn't fit more people, but it did fit. out of nowhere, people appeared and fell from the roof.

"percy, you're sitting on my hand!"

"reyna, your sword's impaling me!"

"leo, your nose is on fire" on the last comment, everyone turned to look at the girl who had just scolded the boy. and she was right, his nose was on fire. and then a few more people came falling from the roof.

"ugh, hecate's at it again" a lady with dark hair, a silver jacket, and grey eyes said.

"i was working on my project!" a man, who was so ugly that sirius wasn't even sure was a man, said.

"who are you all?" soemone shouted.

"eh, we are the gods! and i'm apollo, the god of the sun, music, poetry, prophecies and-" 

"oh, shut it" the grey-eyes woman said. "the last thing i need to hear is your annoying sound" the new people, after arguing with each other, sat down. 

"no one's allowed to go out, or enter, unless i say so" hecate said.

"let the show begin"


hey, sry if my writing is trash, but i promise, the story will be good. they'll start reacting in the next chapter. they will react to percy, harry, cordelia, the gods, and pretty much everyone who's important in this story, so buckle up, there's gonna be a drama overload.

see ya!


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