Style part III

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there was silence, as the wizards stared in awe.

"lady hecate? the son of lady hecate!"

"but how's that possible?"

"wasn't he james and lily's kid?"

"maybe they had a threesome."

"silence!" hecate finally said, pursing her lips. "he is my son, indeed. lily evans prayed to me, because she couldn't get pregnant. i blessed her with a child, so he has hers, james' and my genes in him." she clarified, glancing at lily and james, whose jaws had dropped to the ground. sirius held his girlfriend close, and whispered in her ear, "i think you suggested them?" cordelia nodded in reply.

the screen turned on again, and this time, the people shown were different. it seemed to be a family picnic, where regulus black was peacefully reading a book, and running his hands through caelum's hair, who was sitting on his father's lap, trying to read the book's name. meanwhile lyra was running around and giggling, chasing butterflies around her.

looking at the scene, apollo turned green in envy. he just wanted to picture himself and regulus as gods in olympus, and regulus as his husband or lover. he looked at lyra, and remembered himself glancing down from his sun chariot, showering blessings on his daughter, and making himself shine brighter so that the picnic would not get ruined. 

caelum got bored and lied on his father's shoulder, yawning. he suddenly decided to play with his father's curly hair and started twisting his chubby fingers around regulus' thick locks. 

"ughh..they're so cute! i can't watch this without fawning!" a hufflepuff said, his voice echoing through the hall. many others nodded in agreement, smiling at the peaceful family.

"no, caelum" regulus said, removing his son's hand gently and kissing his fingers. "Your hands are dirty. let's find your mother" he said, standing up and carrying his son, as caelum giggled loudly.  


"ouch!" lyra cried. she seemed to have fallen down while chasing the butterflies. regulus, now suddenly alarmed, put caelum down and rushed to help lyra up. 

"oh honey" he said, examining her bruise. "you should be careful when running"

"it hurts" she said, sniffing. "a lot" 

"well, if you chase something that looks too good to be true, then that will result in a bad fall" regulus said, handing her a cube of chocolate. "eat this, you'll be fine" he said, pushing her stray hair behind her ear. 

"you just gave her life advise!" evan cried. "you sound like a philosopher!"

"that's because he is" pandora said. "they see right through me!" she cried, imitating regulus in a melancholic voice. regulus scoffed and slapped her arm playfully. 

"now, have you seen mother?"

"she was behind a tree, taking photos of me!" lyra replied, a smile evident on her face. 

"boo!" melanie came behind regulus, making him jump in fear. she had a large camera dangling from her neck, and if looked closely, pictures were seen, but they were moving.

"wait, moving pictures?" leo asked curiously. "like videos?"

"what are videos?" narcissa asked in reply. 

"the screen we're seeing shows us a very long video, called movies. videos are basically moving pictures, but the muggle version. wizards don't have videos, but they have moving pictures, showing the movements of that person." harry explained, gaining the appreciation and nodds from many wizards and witches, except the pureblood ones, but they didn't dare say a word.

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