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Heeseung was reading book in library . He likes the calmness here , without his noisy friends . Don't get him wrong he loves his friends , but sometimes it's to much for him .

But you know what, his peacefulness didn't last long

"Heeee , I need help , I am in mental breakdown " , basically jay shouted inside the library .

Heeseung blinked his eye for few seconds and he heard the librarian was saying them to be quite, along with the line " u were in library, not in park "

Hee stood from his chair , gathered his belongings and dragged jay along with him , not before saying sorry to the librarian .

They both went cafe , which is near to the library .

Heeseung orders chocolate cookies crumble and strawberry parfait and jay orders White chocolate mocha .

Heeseung orders chocolate cookies crumble and strawberry parfait and jay orders White chocolate mocha

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" Now , give me a good reason , why r u yelling my name in library ?

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" Now , give me a good reason , why r u yelling my name in library ? . Which u should not do in library " , heeseung enquired jay

But he only got silent as a reply , Jay didn't rise his head , it was lowering down .

" Jongsung " heeseung softly called him , he grab jay's chin and lift his head to see him , but jay was averting his gaze

" Hey , why r u not looking at me now huh " he dunno why but jay look cute to him now .

" Ineedfakeboyfriend " jay rapped

" Sorry jay , I dunno ur language , can u speak in human language" heeseung sat properly in his seat .

Jay took a deep breath

" I need fake boyfriend " jay was happy with himself that he said without any stutter .

" U want what" flabbergasted heeseung

" I need fake boyfriend hyung , When my parents came to know that I swing both way . They were introducing me to some girls and boys . I am damn happy , they were not homophobic .when they came to know about my sexuality , but it's to much when they impose me to meet others , So in frustration I said I have boyfriend ,but now they said they want to meet my boyfriend , which I don't have ", because of weariness jay banged his head in the table .

BAMBI ( hee centric Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now