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In college hallway fighting sound can be heard , students were crowding them , the both boys were fighting but not fit fighting, they were rolling on the ground .

The both boys were heeseung and sunoo called as enemies in college.

The both boys were heeseung and sunoo called as enemies in college

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They will be arguing most of the time in college every single time they make eye contact they fight

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They will be arguing most of the time in college every single time they make eye contact they fight .

There fight will be only oral like saying sarcastic remarks , mockery and so on

Up to now they didn't use their hands for fighting .

Now also they were just arguing for silly things but heeseung slipped and fall on Sunoo so now both were rolling on the ground .

The most important thing was , they were both in the same friendship group
if they want also they can't ignore other because of their mutual friends .

They were arguing one another to get up but both were not doing that other than arguing .

Their friends came and seeing the scene they can only roll their at them .

Jungwon cross his arm to his chest," if both were done your mopping job , you both may get up "

Both gare at him ," not mopping "

Jungwon roll his eyes ," sure thing " .

Sunoo was on the floor , smugly ," you comfortable up there  sweetie "

Heeseung huff ," not really , wolfie " and getup from his middle .

Sunoo also stood and dust his bottom with his hands .

In cafe they were sitting , their order also came.

Seeing sunno's order heeseung actions like he was going to vomit .

Sunoo saw this and said , " one day I will make you eat this " which showing his mint chocolate icecream .

Heeseung gulps seeing his fox like eye but he grace himself and said ," I am doing it every morning  so , no thank you"

Jay mutter under his breath ," tension , tension"

Sunghoon was sitting near him so he hears it clearly and chuckled to himself .

In college there was new student , name Nick , in the frist day even he got himself popular because of his beauty , oh man he got height, body and face for a model .

But  one thing he was doing odd that he started to take a  like towards sunoo .

Started to follow sunoo every where , it something stir inside heeseung gut but he he dunno what .

But his friends know what he was feeling but didn't point out to him , they want him to realise it on his own also some part of them want him to suffer because they were suffering for past years because of their obliviousness

Sunoo was also being obvilious to heeseung uneasiness after Nick started to follow sunoo everywhere .

Sunoo was unaware of Nick's feeling towards him , how he can aware of it if he was busy in fighting with heeseung everytime .

Despite fighting they were seatmate in college before heeseung can enter Nick enter inside the class  and sat in heeseung's place , sunoo saw this but didn't said anything .

Despite fighting they were seatmate in college before heeseung can enter Nick enter inside the class  and sat in heeseung's place , sunoo saw this but didn't said anything

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Heeseung got hurt by this , but without saying anything he goes back and sat there .

The whole class was silent because it was unusual behaviour of them.

Their friends feels something odd here.

Sunoo fight with heeseung but he won't ignore or give his place to others .

They both care for others , everytime they fight it feels like a couple fight , that's why no one said anything when they fight .it was cute to see them fight .

One things they were obvilious was , to their own feelings , that's the one thing irritate others to the core .

In cafeteria  Nick came and sat on heeseung place , when heeseung came with his food his place was occupied by Nick .

Hee turn around to take another chair for him , but a hand grab his wrist and pulled him , in that pull he fall on that person's lap .

Heeseung stutter when he saw whose lap he was he landed , " su .. noo  "

Boys were not shocked by this but Nick was his eye seems like it will fall out of his socket and lips opened like a fish .

Sunoo wrap his arm around hee ," why are you giving your place to others ?"

Heeseung sat comfortably on his lap and didn't replies to his question .

This is another thing of them , why others think that they were couple .

Sunoo keep his jaw on heeseung shoulder," when nick started to close to me " his grip on his waist tighten heeseung let out a small moan .

Boys know it time for them to leave , but Nick rooted on his seat so they have to drag him out .

" You started to distance from me " he slightly brushes his lip to his neck to jaw .

Heeseung shiver under his touch ," I got funny feeling whenever he was with you"

Sunoo snake his fingers under his shirt ,  " what kind of feelings kitten ? "

Heeseung slightly pout , " like I want to take you away from his claw and keep you to myself .

Sunoo traces his finger to his navel , heeseung breath caught in his throat , sunno utter , " breath " he circle his navel .

Sunoo know he have stop because they were in cafeteria , so he carries heeseung to his car .

Sunoo was in driving seat and his lap was occupied by heeseung who was facing him with clouded mind .

Suho start ," so .. "

Heeseung grab Sunoo's jaw and order ,"you was mine ok "

Sunoo smirk ," where did you hide this behaviour kitten "

Heeseung smiles softly," reserved for my husband " 

Sunoo smiles, " so fast "

Heeseung roll his eyes , "you know it's last "

Sunoo shake his head , " correct this push and pull game extended for four years "


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