heeseung centric - heat ( 1)

737 24 8

Request by Sathychandran4

In Enhypen pack the youngest present as Alpha's and elder's present as omega , except heeseung .

Only Heeseung present as alpha like everyone guessed .

They all were working in park company , jay was the ceo of park company .

Every one said that Omega can't run a company to long it will go bankrupt , but jay had faith in him that he can lead a company successfully even being omega , he embrass his second gender as his pride

He had his pack with him , they were like the backbone for his success .

They faced many criticism for ,alpha being his secretary .

Yep , you see heeseung have his own company but he don't want to be in his family business for some reason .

So he came out of his family business .

One day he saw his omega was being so stressful and lost lots of sleeping because of work load .

So he volunteered himself to be his secretary .

First jay declined thinking hyung was doing this because jay didn't slept or eat well because of his work .

" Jay ah , I want to your secretary because I can't see you being hard on yourself " jay try to interrupt him but heeseung didn't allowed him .

" Shu , and mostly I want to work with my mates "

Jay know he can't convince his hyung , "you sure ? " .

" Yup " .

Others were co - founded of park company , also handing each departments separately .

Sunghoon was roaming inside the company and monitoring the employees , many of them admire him but at the same time some of them were jealous of his beauty and talents .

" Hey " a voice called him behind .

He turn and saw heeseung hyung was walking towards his direction .

Sunghoon smiles softly," want anything hyung ? " .

Heeseung nod ," jay said every one should essemble in today's meeting " .

Sunghoon frown ," why ? Anything important in today's project ? "

" Yae , today's meeting will include with our parents company so he want all of as to be present there "

Sunghoon roll his eye ," I got it "

Heeseung chuckle ," don't be like that " .

" But I hate them "

Heeseung came towards sunghoon and cradle his face in his palm ," I know but try hold your hate towards them while in the meeting " .

Sunghoon huffs ," ok " .

Sunghoon hug hyung tightly and inhale his scent in his neck .

Mostly hyung hide his scent from them , they dunno what their Alpha smell like .

Sunghoon frown why hyung smell something like sweet ?

Sunghoon release the hug ," did any one scent you ?" asked seriously .

Heeseung confused ," no " .

" Then why do you smell like something sweet ? " enquired him .

Heeseung eye widened like he realise something and smell himself .

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