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You didn't even hear him wake up from his sleep and you only turned when it was too late-

He was upon you and pushed you, making you instinctively hold on to him as the window shattered and you two were then hurtling out to your death- your screams ringing in the air as he tried to choke you, realizing his hands were still blocked.

You only had time to scream, "I'm here to save you, you fucker!" before Hongjoong's eyes changed, and he put his blocked hand out, making an icy slide to save you from breaking your head open on the rock (or save himself, probably, because he had plans to kill you) and then you two were rolling down on the soft snow, halting slowly and you coughed, spitting ice out from your mouth, finding Hongjoong on top of you, pinning your hands down.

"Who sent you?" He practically growled, his icy blue eyes burning you.

"I came to save you, you idiot," you groaned, kicking him on the stomach and pushing him off, sending him moaning in pain loudly as he clutched at his stomach- he was probably weak right now, "I came to end this never-ending winter and see what got your icy ass in trouble, and you- you decide to push me out of that freaking tower?"

"Then why are my hands still inside this?" He put them in the air as if proving a point, and you rolled your eyes.

"I'm a fire mage, for fuck's sake. I could burn the flesh off your hands if I tried breaking that. You'd like that, I'm sure."

He stared at you for a moment, the icy wind circling around you two as you realized you were in the eye of the storm, and you raised your brows impatiently. He sighed, "How do I get this thing out?"

"I don't know, man, try breaking it," you groaned, getting up and squealing in pain as you saw the shards buried in your arms, "I'm gonna kill you later."

He said nothing, and you shook your head because the only shard of broken glass he had gotten was on his cheek, sending blood trickling down, already frozen to his skin.

Yunho came outside, calling your name and Hongjoong instinctively sent a bolt of ice in his direction, which you melted before it could cut him, glaring daggers at him. "That's my friend, you idiot. We mean no harm. Stop acting like a brat while we figure this out."

Hongjoong only sighed, bringing his knees to his chest again as Yunho rushed to you, examining your hurt state, glaring at Hongjoong. "I have healing magic- let me try healing your arms."

You nodded- most water mages had an affinity for healing. Yunho pulled the pointy shards out of your skin, healing them with a swipe of his finger over the open wound. By the time he was done you were seething in pain and anger, dimming it down a notch when you saw the guilty look in Hongjoong's eyes.

"You gonna tell me why you were locked in that tower?" You asked, and Hongjoong sighed.

"Where are the ice mages?"

"Out cold, but not for too long," you said.

"They planned to kill me, but I am too powerful, so they were trying to weaken me before getting rid of me."

"You in your weakened state have put the entire land in eternal winter," you muttered.

"I'm sure you like the cold," Hongjoong raised his brow, "Fire Princess."

Yunho met your eyes, and you pursed your lips- no point denying it now, really. "I may like the cold but it got too much for everyone, Hongjoong. And you.... You were freezing from the inside. You do know that you were only a step away from death, don't you?"

Hongjoong's eyes flashed, and you realized that he had no idea, "You really mean me no harm?"

"Unless you try to kill me or my friend here, no, I mean no harm."

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