Atsushi was walking down an alleyway as a 3 years old,a corpse,an everyday thing,but this time..No no no..It will change his life
Atsushi is out for revenge and blood
Nothing else
I do not own bsd
This is abuse to the most i could t...
... Atsushi finally realized it,his true backstory,why was he dumped by his parents,he felt as if anger boiled up his blood,he wan-wanted t-o...
Kill them all
Tearing all their organs out of their bodies,hang them by their arms.. The headmaster His mother Mori And the already dead shibusawa..
He slowly walked up to his body,he knew he had to run away before people walking by notice the smell and call the police,but he didnt care,he sat on his knees ,getting them full with this dirty blood,he looked with hatred torwads shibusawa,thinking someone truly loved him,how foolish.. He saw a knife,and as he gripped hard at it, he.. Stab Stab Stab "heh..Take that"atsushi said with the coldest tone he ever talked with,wih the blood scattered all around the room and his clother,he got up and went to the backdoor he saw awhile back,and finally smelled the fresh air that was better than this rotting building.
Atsushi quickly got to the running part,trying to keep his speed even after running for a while,it was hard with a weak body but he kept on going,he never dared to walk in the busy streets as he kept hidden in the allyways to not attract unwanted attention and maybe even more,but he did get surprised and weird gazes from the drinkers and smokers in the allyways,as well as feard looks from the poor,but he didnt care,he just wants to find a place safe to sleep at,looking at the sky and realizing the sun started to go down made him get anxious ,what if he bumped into a civilian or even worse ,a police officer,all those thoughts got him recharged in the matter of seconds and a while later,when the stars and the beautiful full moon lit up the sky,atsushi couldn't feel his legs anymore.
He sat down under a bridge ,looking around and seeing he was safe made him relaxe a bit,as he took a moment to process and think clearly of that white void and white tiger,he couldve sworn he saw that tiger before,some where- It clicked his mind This was one of the chinese gods ,byokko the god of the west
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He also remembers readin about the fact it can control the wind,but why is he connected to him in that white void,hr had to find answers but before that,he needs Clothes,as his were covered with blood from head to toes ,he decided to go do that now as there is a much less chance of getting caught than daytime,so he went to the walk,to his luck all shops were shut down,but after awhile walking deeper and deeper,he saw a street full of opened stores,that shocked him but was glad,clearly ignoring the fact the street was filled with suspicious men staring at him with warning glares,as if they are saying to not make a mistake here as well as eyeing at him for the questionable amount of blood on his clothes,but he didnt care much,walking torwads one of the shop clothes that peaked his interest ,he saw a really cool cloak that reminded him of all the books he had read in his time at the orphanage
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He decided to enter the shop,the shop owner gave him a look as he asked him "you need anything?"the owner said "yea,how much is the cloak thats outside?"atsushi asked "oh?That one?Its worth about 3000 ¥" (a/n:i turned it into my city's currency and this should be enough,about 261,303.66 S.P,yes,country reveal) "well,i dont actually have anymoney,is there anything i can do so i can have it?"atsushi said as the man's face turned into a grin"well,if you insist,i need you to kill this person"the shop owner said as he drew out a photo out of his pocket"hmm,sure,as long as i get my cloak"atsushi said as he looked at the picture ,the target was a buff man the seemed dangerous,he had two bodyguards behind him,atsushi then went off,walking down the allyways as he saw a large man from behind a wall,he went climbing one of the buildings as he looked down,the buff man,his target,atsushi had a twisted on his face grin,you see thanks to shibusawa electrouting him as well as his brain,the personality part was affected badly,causing atsushi to grow out of the scared,shy, boy he once was to a twisted murderer with villianous goals,he transformed partly ,only his arms and legs as he jumped at he man,hitting the brachial plexus in both of his arms The target was taken off guard"HUH,WHOS THERE!?ACk-"the man finally noticed his now paralyzed arms as he saw a child figure coming out of the darkness "yo,i just want to kill you for a cloak,sounds pretty fair for me right?"atsushi said as he got his claws at the target's neck that was frozen in fear"now,bye bye!"atsushi said with a smile forming on his face,a wicked one as he cut off that man's throat and head.
People looked at him as if he was mad,all across the street as he was actually walking with a fricking head in his hand,atsushi was gigglling as he thought of a little plan in his head,he entered the shop as he dropped the head on the table"here you go!"atsushi said as the man had a little grin on his face"good,go get that cloak"the owner said as atsushi went happily there,the shop owner grabbed a dagger and went to atsushi's neck but was met by a claw on his neck
"heh,thought you would do this,anyway,i will take what i want,the payment is your head,deal?"
Atsushi walked out with a little bag on his back,he was cleaner than before as he took a shower in the house upstairs,took all the money,food and water,and all needed clothes he would ever need until he grows out of them.
-------chapter 7 end---------- Omfg,took too long,anyway here are some of the clothes atsushi picked out
This is when he is around 18
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