Chapter 8-asukiko,the moon

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just kept writing in school and im dead lol,enjoy

Astsushi had a little amount of money he "borrowed" from the shop owner,thoughts were running through his brain
'as much as i have a strong ability,i need to train my body,brain and ability to the fullest,relying on only abilities will get me killed easily,this wont do,if i plan on having a nice little payback for mori,the headmaster my dear mother i need to be in full shap,especially against mori'atsushi felt that mori was a dangerous man,so he decided that his main revenge target will be the headmaster,but oh no he isnt going to kill him,not now,atsushi thought as he smirked,and went to find a little storage house that seemed untouched for a long time,the moment he entered he saw nothing wrong,so he decided to get to cleaning,if atsushi wants to train and live here, if he doesnt plan on getting sick quickly he should firstly get all the webs away for now,then getting some cleaning supplies might work as well.

- two weeks later
Location:the storage house-

It took atsushi two full weeks just to make the storage house fully clean,he looked at the window,gazing across the large field he found by accident ,it was the perfect spot to train,and so he got to doing so,this is atsushi's Schedule :

*Monday:physical training from 6am→3pm
Ability training 3:30pm→9:30pm

*Tuesday: studying from 6am→12pm
Physical training from 12:30pm→9:30pm

*Wednesday :ability training from 6am→2pm
Studying from 2:30pm→9:30

*Thursday:physical training from 6am→3:pm
Studying from 3:30pm→9:30pm

*Friday:studying from 6am→12pm
Ability training from 12:30pm→9:30pm

*Saturday:ability training from 6am→2pm
Physical training from 2:30pm→9:30pm

*Sunday:physical only

Next week sunday:ability only

Next week sunday:studying only

The cycle would continue until something could happen,and he shouldnt jinx it'this is going to take awhile'atsushi thought to himself as he reread the schedule to fully memorize it in case it was destroyed ,and so he just thought of his future plans,a few which need to be said:

1-research on mori,he wasnt sure if that was a nickname,last name,first name,fuck name so he needed to know,as well as his position ,atsushi only thought of something similar to doctor and medical department

2-how to get the headmaster WITHOUT scaring the shit outta every kid there,and now he thinks about it he needs to save the kids as well

3-find his mother's identity ,atsushi doesnt even know his last name to search anyway

5-make a name for himself,to possibly attract the attention of his targets he must have a role,a well known one,and why not villainy?

Atsushi spaced out for a long time before actually figuring out something..:
Since his ability's full potential is when he is under the moonlight,why not asukiko ,the moon perfect name for the perfect villain,no ability shown ofcourse

_4 months later_
Our little atsushi just turned 14 a few days back,but he didnt take a break,he trained harder than usual,he needed information,for that he needed to be stronger than anyone,anybody..


Today atsushi was just showering in the gym shower ,how did he enter he snuck in,today was a shopping day,he was lacking some goods and went out to buy as well as shower,While waking across the busy streets he felt a pair of eyes on him,looking around in a normal citizen way as if he dropped something he noticed the figure disappear in mid air leaving a piece of paper behind,atsushi walked to the allyway next to the building and jumped up torwads the roof of the building ,when he took hold of the paper all it said was
Meet me in the backyard at 1am"
Atsushi gazed at the paper for a second,what did this person exactly mean?
And what backyard was he tal-
Is it...?

Location:The orphanage ,12:59pm

Atsushi scanned the area incase the person came to him,suddenly when the clock hit 1 am a person was walking to him ,the person was hiding up in a tree and the surprising part is atsushi didnt even notice him in the first place!
Atsushi glared daggers to the man,the man was tall, pale, and slim with long, dark, and messy hair that reaches his shoulders. His most noticeable facial features are his dark purple eyes with light bags underneath, giving them a tired look,his eyes looked as if they were glowing in the dark ,all in all the man looked dangerous ,atsushi backed away a bit incase this man tries to attack him in anyway
"lets talk somewhere else,this is just a meeting place after all,ne?Atsushi-kun"
The man said with a seemingly kind smile that would trick the most hard-hearted man,atsushi just looked at him and looked around,seeing nobody but them he followed the dark-haired man to the woods by the orphanage then paused and turned around,atsushi felt that this man holds information dangerous enough for the fall of many cities

"i know what your after atsushi"

Atsushi narrowed his eyes a bit looking calm but on the inside he was shocked,how did this man even find out about his identity ,his past home and even what he wants
"oh really?Then what is it?"atsushi said with the calmest voice he ever talked with"i know your shocked,you want your mother and mori's identities,right?"the man said with a smirk,this time atsushi couldnt hide his shock
"how did you-"
"find out?My ways,i shall present you some information about them"
Atsushi knew he couldnt trust this man,but does he have a better option"first off,whats your name?"
"you may call me fyodor"fyodor said with his eyes scanning atsushi
"i will tell you now to pass time,ōgai mori is the current leader of the port mafia,he holds an unkown ability ,he fought during the great war"
Atsushi smiled a bit
"such great information,what about her?"
"you mean akane sumikiha?"
Atsushi hummed in agreement
"i dont give info for free,that is all i will tell you,until next time,sumikiha"and with that fyodor left withn the blink of an eye

Location :atsushi's house,2:14am

Atsushi was glad he met the man,fyodor
'now i know their full names,the headmaster is an easy pray,i will kill him later on,i need to do some researches on akane sumikiha and ōgai mori,these two are more important '

These were atsushi's last thoughts until he drrifted into a dreamless sleep.

------- chapter 8 completed------
Eeeek!Sorry for being soo late,my phone broke!
Im building my own lore for atsushi's life,if any of my ideas ends up being cannon i will reveal my face
(probably never gonna happen)
1190 words

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