Chapter 4: Lezzly ( the second half of Lizzy )

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I think my family is a good one. I just wish that we could act like one. My sisters are always fighting and Lizzy always makes me take her side. People think I'm just like Lizzy but I really am not. I try to keep everyone loving eachother never works.
Once Beatrice and Lizzy were argueing and before I knew it Lizzy had thrown a vase at the wall behind Beatrice. I never can talk to Beatrice about anything because she avoids me like Lizzy. I truly care for both my sisters but they don't care what I think.
I want us all to care for eachother but nobody does and it bothers me. Honestly Lizzy drives me crazy, I can't stand her at times because of her constant nagging. I would rather sit by myself but Lizzy drags me along with her. Sometimes I wonder why our family members hate eachother but I can never come up with a better answer than money. Money seems to cause our family so much stress but there's nothing I can do about it but try my best to love all of them, its hard though.
Hopefully one day our family will love one another, maybe we will become closer at the party. I can only hope for this.
Now that I've said what I wanted to say, I bid you a good day and hope the best for you! Maybe we will meet at the party, do say hello.

Sincerely, Lezzly Weatherbury

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