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Chapter Seven

Hyunjins POV

After dropping Felix back off at his apartment I head back to the studio, Minho was already there practicing a few new dances so I decided to join him. After a good 2 hours of dancing I was exhausted. "So how was your night" I ask him grabbing a towel and wiping my face. He laughed, "It was actually pretty nice, I ended up hooking up with Felix's roommate" he says as his face gets red. "Awww Minho is in love" I joke with him slapping his chest. "Ah Hyunjin don't jinx it" he whines back before getting up. "I am meeting up with Chan and Changbin for drinks in a few hours, do you want to come" he asks me checking his phone. I nod back, "sure, let me take a shower and get dressed"I tell him before grabbing my things and making my way to the bathroom.

After getting ready and changing Minho does it, he keeps spare clothes here since he works here full time and we head to the bar. Walking in I am met with Chan and Changbin waiting for us at a table. I wave over to them and Minho and I join them. "Whats up guys" I say sitting down grabbing the drink list. "Ah nothing, how was your day" Chan asks back and I shrug. "It was fine, I took Felix to the mall to return a few items" I say nonchalantly which causes everyone to quiet down.

I look back up and everyones eyes were on me, especially Chan. "Felix didn't even reply back to me today and he was out with you" he asks back kind of annoyed. "Uh yea, it was a thank you for him staying with me last night" I say back quietly. "Did anything happen with you guys" he asks back getting heated now. "Relax Chan, I was passed out the whole time. The only thing that happened was me trying to attack him with a paper towel roll" I say rolling my eyes back at him. I could never understand Human emotions like jealousy. It the underworld you always belong to someone else so what else is there to be jealous of?

"Well anyways I was thinking what if we took a trip to Jeju Island" Changbin speaks up breaking the tension in the group. "That would be awesome, I think Idol training ends next week so Hyunjin and I are free then" Minho tells him smiling but I look back confused. "I am not interested in going but thanks" I say back earning a whine from Minho and Changbin. "Come on Hyung it will be fun" Chanbgin says looking up at me with puppy eyes. "If he doesn't want to come don't force him" Chan mumbles taking a sip of his drink. I don't know why but that really pissed me off, his tone and everything like it was somehow my fault Felix didn't respond to him.

"We could even invite the boys, Jeongin was telling me that him and Felix are free next week since they have to take their vacation days" Changbin says to us which causes Chan to pipe up. "Oh then I want to come too" he says cheerfully as I roll my eyes. "You know what count me in too, Minho can invite Felix roommate since they hooked up last night" I say back. "Maybe Felix and Jisung will have a friend for you Hyunjin" Minho says typing in his phone calling someone. The rest of the night was uneventful, Chan would give me glares here and there but I ignored them. On the way home Minho kept quiet.

"Whats on your mind Hyung" he asks me as my head is tilted against the window. "Nothing I just don't get why Chan was being so rude" I say back sighing. This isn't the first time Chan and I have had disagreements and honestly I didn't care all that much but I couldn't figure out why he was so bothered this time. "Well hes jealous I think, first Felix stayed with you last night and then Felix ignored Chan to hang with you" Minho says back which causes me to turn to him. "Right but its not like thats my fault, I didn't tell Felix to ignore Chan" I say back still confused why I was the one under Chans wrath. "Well its easier being mad at you than Felix" Minho says which just causes me to sigh.

Its not like I have feelings for the kid, yea hes attractive and cute and perfect and sexy... oh wait I have feelings for Felix.

Felix's POV

Walking into the diner the next day I clock in and throw my skates on, Han told me last night we were all invited to Jeju Island with the boys and I was honestly a little nervous. We don't have the type of money to be off for that long, let alone on a vacation but he some how convinced me. The door bell rings as people walk in and I start my shift. It was around noon when I was put behind the counter like normal, my attention turns to the door as I hear the bell go off. I was surprised at the person walking in, it was Hyunjin.

My heart sinks, he looked absolutely amazing. He walks over to the counter and takes a seat as I smile at him. "Funny seeing you here, what can I get you" I say handing him a menu. "Uh well whats good here, what would the fantastic Felix recommend" he asks me smiling which causes me to laugh. "Well we make some darn good omletes, also our french toast is to DIE for" I say back taking out my note pad ready for his order. "I don't like sweets so I guess I will do an omlete, ham, cheese, onions, and green peppers please and a side of hashbrowns and toast" he says handing me back the menu and I finish writing his order.

"Coming right up sir" I say back to him as I roll over to the kitchen placing his order through the window. I turn around and catch Hyunjin checking me out from behind. Again this causes my heart to stop and my face to get burning red. "Uh sorry I just have never been in a place like this before, how did you learn to skate" he asks me not even worried that I caught him checking me out. "I laugh a little at his confidence, "its just something I picked up from Han" I say back rolling over to him handing him a glass of water and coffee. "Who is Han" he asked me confused and I laugh again, "sorry you might know him as Jisung but I call him Han" I laugh back cleaning off the counter were someone had just left.

"Are you coming to Jeju with us" Hyunjin asks me as I skate around picking up some trash from the floor. "Uh yea" I say back, he must have picked up on my tone. "How come you don't sound excited" he asks me looking back at me. I shrug, "I don't have a lot saved up for a vacation, I really didn't want to go and be a bother to everyone because I can't go out and do things like the rest of you can" I say back to him getting kind of upset. I mean I just came to Earth three years ago, I don't have a lot of savings since most of my paychecks and tips go to rent and stuff for the apartment. "Well don't worry about that, I can cover you for anything you need" he says back causing me to get flustered.

"No you don't have to do that, I have no problem staying behind while you guys go out and explore and stuff" I tell him as I hear my name being called from the window. I go over and grab the food and put the plates down in front of Hyunjin. "Seriously Felix don't worry about it" he says giving me a small smile before starting to eat. I watch him as his face lights up with excitement and he moans. HOLY SHIT THE MOAN. "God Felix this is amazing" he mumbles out as he continues to eat. I laugh trying to shake off the dirty thoughts from my mind and smile back at him.

I continue to take more orders as Hyunjin eats, I notice he was done with his plates so I roll back over and take them from him and hand him the bill. I watch as he takes out cash and hands it back over to me, I look at his money confused. His bill was only like $10 so why did he hand me $40? "Uh did you need some change, this is too much" I say quietly back to him but he shakes his head. "No thats your tip, I gotta run see you later Felix" he says as he gets up quickly and runs out the door. I look at him running away shocked and confused. This guy I barely know just tipped me $30?

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