So come on this is my adventure

121 6 42

Content warning: Blood, Injury, Shark attack

"Shouldn't you like- text them to let them know we're both coming?" Aimsey asked as the pair stumbled through the sand and towards the secret hideaway. "I don't want to freak them out too badly."

Tubbo waved his hand, "nah. I want to see their ability to cover up this secret anyway. We both know how badly I failed earlier, so it'd be good to see which one of us is the best liar for any troublesome situations. Besides, it'll be funny to watch them scramble for an excuse."

Aimsey snorted, "Alright, that's fair. But just saying, next time you accidentally touch water, maybe don't hide away in the fucking freezer of all things."

"I was panicking okay?!" Tubbo protested, lightly shoving Aimsey's shoulder. "It's not my fault you splashed me with dirty dish water!"

"I already said I'm sorry, what more do I have to do?! You're just lucky Puffy didn't see it happen!" Aimsey insisted, still lightly giggling.

Tubbo pointed towards the top of the small rock wall that sheltered their little hideaway, just a small gesture to show Aimsey which way they were going before taking a running start to get to the top.

Tubbo's done this time and time again, preferring to get up the wall in a more efficient way than finding footholds like Tommy and Ranboo did. His way was just easier.

This time around however, he missed one of the essential sturdy steps to get to the top, leaving him scrambling at the edge as he attempted to find some sort of purchase.

Surprisingly, Aimsey followed his lead, and out of the corner of his eye, he watched them do a running start at the wall and leap to the top in two steps, using their upper arm strength to lift themselves the rest of the way.

Aimsey snorted at the sight of Tubbo struggling, and wordlessly took his hands and helped pull him to the top.

"Not a word." Tubbo said lowly before hopping down the wall and into the little space that held the trio's hideout.

"I didn't say anything! You got a bad part of the wall, it happens." Aimsey said, hoping down and landing next to him, their eyes scanning the small area with curiosity and awe. Their voice died out as they muttered, "There's no shame in getting some help."

Tubbo hummed in response, his eyes already glued on the little shore of their beach and watching for any sign of two merpeople swimming around.

When he didn't see anything, he turned back to Aimsey, a tired smile on his face as he watched them take in their surroundings, a sort of gentle fondness shining in their eyes.

"Welcome to the secret base." Tubbo started, making a grand gesture at the shitty little fort tucked between the cliffside. "Tommy likes to call it the Prime shack, but both Ranboo and I heavily disagree with the name."

Aimsey snorted fondly, taking a cautious step towards the little structure and looking back to Tubbo like they were asking for permission to proceed.

Tubbo waved them forward in response, an easy smile on his face as he looked back out towards the gentle waves lapping at the shore.

The shifting of sand followed Aimsey as they ducked into the little shack, and they couldn't help but let out a barking laugh as they saw the multitude of names scratched on the wall in chalk.

Some of the names looked... familiar, for some reason. Aimsey tilted their head to the side as they examined the names one by one, each name sparking more and more familiarity in them until they finally realized.

"Holy shit! Is this a list of all the fuckers you've taken down?!" Aimsey asked, a shocked laugh bubbling its way out of their throat as they stared. They pointed at one of the names, even though Tubbo couldn't see them from the tiny entrance of the shack. "I remember this shithead! They were digging for turtle eggs! I helped you guys set up a surveillance camera to catch them, and you guys made a fake turtle egg nest filled with golf balls. The look on their face was priceless when you three popped out of the bushes with the cops at your sides." Aimsey hummed in thought, "though I still don't know how you got the cops to cooperate with you. They usually despise listening to anyone under the age of fucking sixty."

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