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Kayko099 asked: Hi there, Barnaby!! My question is that out of all of the things you have hunted, what's your favorite? If you don't have a favorite, what's been the most dangerous?

Oh, hoo hoo hoo hoo! Good question, Kayko! My favorite has to be a very light purple goat. I think her name is Billie. I didn't catch her name. Was I successful? That remains to be seen! Themost dangerous thing I hunted? Hoo hoo... I have hunted a dragon. I was quicker though!

ElephantsInTheRooms asked: Hey, Barnaby. Do you like carrots?

Barnaby: Of course I do! They add flavor to goat meat stew! And they're good for the eyes! Hm? Sonicphobia? What are you doing here?

Sonicphobia: Barnaby, look me dead in the eyes and say that again. I ate carrots a lot as a kid and I still have awful eyesight!

Barnaby: Uh... Moving on!

TristePayaso asked: If you could choose between a frying pan, a knife and a sword, why would you choose the frying pan?

Oh, all three are easily deadly. But the frying pan is most creative way to get some mortal to shed their coil!

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