Chapter 2-Next door...

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Jeydon's POV

I creep out of bed and open my window to let the sun shine through. I tip toe downstairs careful not to wake up my mother. I make my morning coffee."Fuck." I whisper as the glass I just dropped shatters into a million pieces and echoes throughout the kitchen. I grab the dustpan and broom to clean the pieces up. I grab another glass careful not to drop it this time and pour the French vanilla coffee into it. Apparently there is a new dad and daughter who moved in next door. I shall go introduce meh self c;

Kelsea's POV
I wake up to knocking on the door. Who could be knocking on my door this early? Oh,wait nevermind it's 12:30 in the afternoon...oops. I throw on some different clothes and brush my
Long purple/black hair as I trip and fall on the last step." Ow!MOTHERFUCKER!" I quickly push my teacup Pomeranian,Lucy, out the way as I open the door to see the most sexiest person ever. "Hi,my name is Jeydon. I heard you and your father moved in yesterday?"
"Ummm...yea. My name is kelsea. Sorry for my ugliness."
Jeydon's POV
Ugly? She is the most prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life. She had big diamond eyes. Skinny and curvy pale body. Hair that looked like a galaxy with midnight black and plum purple mixed. Her personality was a bonus since she was nice and cute. "You are not ugly my friend, kelsea. You are the definition of pretty. She blushes a deep crimson color. SCORE! "Well nice to meet you Jeydon." Okay,well I have to see this girl again. "Well, since we don't know each other very well would you like to meet me at the park today at about 7:30?" Please say yes please say yes....
Kelsea's POV
7:30?The park? How could I say no? I blush faintly. "Of course, Jeydon. I will see you at the park at 7:30."
"Okay see you later!" Jeydon says as he walks back to his house next door.
"YOU TOO!" I shouted. I walk in my house with excitement and nervousness bubbling in my stomach. Nice job Kelsea. You have a new attractive friend and he seems very kind. Hopefully he is single...

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