Chapter 4-new job

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  Kelsea's POV

    I woke up to my alarm going off. 6:00 A.M. I applied for a job at Starbucks because while I'm there I'll be able to drink free coffee. Also they pay you by the hour. I have an interview today at 7:30. I hop in the shower and play some music while I'm in there. "This is gospel for the fallen ones locked away in permanent slumber. Sharing their philosophy's and pieces of broken memories. Oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh. This is beat of my heart. This is the beat of my heart." I sing along with the music and scream"IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

   I get done in the shower an blow dry my hair. I curl it and pull it up in a top pony tail. For my makeup I do a basic winged eyeliner and strawberry lip gloss. For my outfit I put on a red flannel with black skinny jeans,and ankle boots. I check the time. 7:15. I should leave. I turn all the lights off and give Lucy some food. I grab my keys and shut and lock the door.

  Finally I reach Starbucks.

"May I help you?" One of the workers asked.

"Um,yes I'm here for an interview." I reply.


"Kelsea Brooks."

"Okay. 7:30. Well just walk in the back and it's the last door to your right. The manager should be here soon."

"Okay thanks."

I walk to the back and sit down in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

5 minutes later a young man about in his 20s. Very attractive...stop don't think like that. He's your manager and plus your dating Jeydon.

"Kelsea Brooks? Sorry I'm late I had a buisness meeting. My name is Kian Lawley. I'm the manager of Starbucks."

"Nice to meet you Kian." I blush but I don't really know why.

"Shall we get started? So do you have any experience with making coffee?"

"Yes I make coffee for myself every morning,sir."

"Okay well are you good with customers?"

"Yes I've worked at Starbucks where I used to live."

"Okay,well Kelsea Brooks. You are hired!"

Wow that was easy.

"Okay thanks. So when do I start?"

"Tomorrow at 8:00. Also to get to know my employee more may I ask you to dinner tonight at my place at 7:00?"

Wait what? My manager is asking me this? Da fuq? Oh well. I guess nothing could go wrong. He's just my manager. All he wants to do I know a little bit more about me...

"Uhh...yea sure that would be great...I guess."

"Ok well I need your address so I can pick you up."

"Yea it's 9284 starfish drive."

"Okay well you are free to go."

"K, bye sir."

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