Chapter 3- The park

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Kelsea's POV

Hours pass by quickly and it's already 7:00. I quickly get ready in about 15 minutes. For my outfit I have a creamy long-sleeve sweater with my pitch black tights and my Steve Madden combat boots. For my make-up I draw on some on fleek perfect eyeliner and some rose red lipstick. Last but not least I straighten my hair. I start to walk to the park just as jeydon walks out his house. "Oh,hey kelsea. I'm just heading to the park as well."

"Oh, yeah. That's what I'm doing. Walking to the park." I say awkwardly. Nice job kelsea. Now he probably thinks your a freak.

He chuckles. Damn. His chuckle is sexy as fuck. Especially his lip ring, and his brown flippy hair with his beanie. Jeydon is the definition of sexy.

"Kelsea. Kelsea...helloooooo." Jeydon said as he was waving his hand across my face. "Oh, sorry I was thinking about something." We finally got to the park and we both sat on the old, rusty swings.

"So, what were you thinking about?" Jeydon asks.

"Oh,nothing really. I was just thinking of how handsome you are." Did I just say that? No. I couldn't have.

"Did I say that outloud?"

"Yes.yes you did."

I blush a deep red.


"It's ok. I think I'm pretty handsome my self."

We both laugh. I love his laugh.

"But I think you are very beautiful. Kelsea."

I blush again. Can I please stop blushing???!!

"I love it when you blush."

Oh my lawd. Did he seriously just call me beautiful and say he loves it when I blush? I blush...AGAIN!!!!

"See..there it is again. You blushing. It's adorable."

I giggle...wait what? Did I just giggle? Something's definitely wrong with me. ;-;

Now it's my turn to make Him blush...

"Oh really? Well I love it when you chuckle and oh? That lip ring of yours? Sexy. Sexy. Sexy."

He blushes and chuckles. FINALLY! YAS.

And wow. Where did this side of me come from? Normally I'm really shy and clammy when it comes to talking to cute boys. Oh well. I guess Jeydon has some sort of vibe that can make you do just anything. Haha

I check the time. 8:30. Damn. We've been talking for that long??oh well. My dad gets off work at 1:00 in the morning.

"Come on. I wanna show you something." Jeydon says as he pulls me up from the swing set. I immediately got butterflies in my stomach.

We walk for about 5 minutes when we get to the top of this hill. Wow. I see why he wanted to show me this. The veiw is great. You can basically see the whole city. You can see the beach and all of the different stores. It's relaxing. We lay down on the soft grass and look up at the millions of stars.

"This is peaceful." I say

"Yeah.." Jeydon replies.

We look at eachother.

"I like you." Jeydon says.

I blush a deep crimson red.

"I like you too." I say.

We look at eachothers lips and start to lean in as a finally felt his lips on mine. Our lips start to move in sync as we scoot closer to each other and finally run out of breath. I pulled away. Wow. I just kissed him. We just kissed! Yay!

"That was...pretty nice." I say.

He chuckles his amazing chuckle.

I check the time. 12:30

"We should get going. My dad gets off at 1:00."

"Okay. I'll walk you home."

We reach my door step.

" I had a great time tonight. Jeydon."

"Me too kelsea. So umm... I was wondering since we already know kissed if you wanted to be my girlfriend..?"

I blush really deep.

"Of course jeydon I will be your girlfriend."

He kisses me one more time and I felt the sparks fill my body as they did earlier.

"Goodnight Jeydon."

"Goodnight Kelsea."

We both walk inside our homes. I walk upstairs to my room and flop on the bed as I grab my phone to check the time. 12:45 AM. I'm way to tired to text Kaleigh. I'll text her when I wake up later. I slowly drift off into a deep sleep when I wake up to scratching on my bedroom door. Lucy. I quickly open the door to let her in and pick her up to bring her back to my bed with me. I cuddle with her and finally. I close my eyes as my body drifts off into dreamland.
So I made this chapter a bit longer. Yay! I hope you like it!!! XD bye loves! c;

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