Chapter 15. Festival interval.

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(Me getting a salted caramel frostino from costa😍😍😍, btw this will probably be a short chap becuase it's just the interval, so the festival continues after the break

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(Me getting a salted caramel frostino from costa😍😍😍, btw this will probably be a short chap becuase it's just the interval, so the festival continues after the break. Omg also, I heard that monoma was based on Dane Dehaan, HE PLAYS HARRY OSBORN IN THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN GUYS)

He shook your hand as he walked with you and shinso to the cafeteria, him and shinso seemed to already know eachother, you didn't bother to question why though.

"So your the famous 1A friend shinso's told me about huh?" Monoma asked, making you smile and teasingly look to shinso, who was avoiding your gaze.

"Yeah, I'm sorry we haven't met sooner, I've wanted to make some friends outside of 1A but I just get busy, it is nice to meet you, really!" You assured him.

"Hmm. Seems your not as small minded as the rest of your class mates." You chuckled, a little confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, looking toward him as you entered the cafeteria.

"We'll your the only person in the class who hasn't tried to rub the villain attack in my face, or isolated yourself from the rest of us." You let out a simple 'oh' because that made you think, he sort of was right i mean, we're any of the class friends with people from other classes? And you didn't know about them bragging about a villain attack, but you didn't want to do that because you let them get away, there was nothing about to brag there, sure, you beat a few bad guys when you were grouped up, but the ringleader still got away, and suddenly you flashed back to what shigaraki said to you, and you wondered if he was watching right now.

Thinking about this, monoma knew he made you think and smirked, you were now zoned out, which shinso also seemed to notice as he budged your shoulder, you snapped back and realised you were already in the line,

"Something on your mind, itsy bitsy spider?"monoma asked in a slightly mocking way, moving his face closer to yours, you poked your finger onto his forehead and pushed him away

"Nothing important, just deciding on which drink to get." You smirked back at him, not giving him the satisfaction of talking about something 1A related.

Once the three of you had gotten your drinks and sat down you continued chatting, about the festival, about other people, teachers, etc.

"We'll I can see why you like her shinso, your not so bad spider monkey."

You rolled your eyes, "how many spider nicknames do you have, like, seriously have you been preparing these or something?" You laughed,

"Oh don't worry spidey, there's more where that came from."

You leaned your head back in defeat and asked if you guys could go to the board and check who your battles were, monoma said he was going to go find his class to go back to the stands, as the break was nearly over and he wasn't going to be fighting, but he'd definitely be watching.

You and shinso walked to the board which showed who was against who.

"Hey that guys a piece 'a work huh?" He asked you, looking down

"I'm so glad you said that" you replied laughing in defeat.

"Hey, by the way, coming in third was pretty cool of you, I knew you'd make it in the top four" you said nudging his side with your elbow

"Yeah, it wasn't first of course, but thanks for thinkin' of me."

"Hm, looks like I'm against Midoriya first" he raised his eyebrow,

"Ooooh I'm against Iida, he's a nice guy, but he's way too serious, like he gives off step-dad vibes, y'know?" You said, making him laugh.

"I hate to cut this short but you wanna start heading up? I know we still have a while but I think we should get back to our classes." He said to you, feeling as if he needed to prepare.

"Yeah sure" You both walked up to the stands where 1A was, until you were there he leaned against the wall before you went in,

"I'll be watching you out there, I know you'll do great." You smiled up at him, and noticed a small blush on his face.

"I'll be watching you too, if my match goes the way I've planned it to."

"Kay," you smiled up at him before lightly pushing him, "okay now go, you gotta fight you need to prepare for" he raised his hands in defence as he grinned at you and walked back down the stairs.

"WHAT the HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH THOSE BASTARDS?" Gosh what was it with these blondes having attitudes like damn.

"Yeah y/n, what's the deal with you and those jerks" the redhead asked, he almost looked upset?

"They're my friends" you just laughed, rolling your eyes at them.

"I see your no longer upset at the guy from 1C, shinso, was it?" Shoto asked, remember the day he threatened your class and upset you,

"Yeah, I got over it, everyone was just being competitive" you shrugged as you sat beside him.

But wait, where were all the girls?

(I'll try to post part 16 tmr babes, sorry this is a little trashhhhh I'm so tired oml. I'm going to sleep like rn😭)

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