Chapter 4.5 - Not Done Yet

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Even though the dome of ice overtop of the building had been destroyed, thick sheets still covered the outside of the building. These rose high enough that Mod and Arsenal couldn't see past their own small battleground—

Not until Arsenal flew them both up into the air.

A minute ago, the three teams of Summit capes had been defending against simultaneous attacks by the Deep Ones. The soldiers had hive-mind coordination, but the attacks had been steady enough that the capes could fend them off.

Even at the beginning of the fight, Mod had doubts about the Deep Ones' strategy—were they hoping to wear out the Summit? Or maybe they were learning about the Summit's capabilities...

Either way, there was no strategy anymore.

Hundreds of Deep Ones were climbing out of the water and up the buildings. They swarmed up the sides, clambering over each other, so crazed they looked like waves crashing upon the walls.

TINA was right—the Deep Ones had reinforcements in hiding.

The Summit teams were still atop the three original buildings but now they were backed into the center of the roof. Krystal had conjured ice spikes around the edge of the roof, which slowed them down considerably. Cherry, McGuire, and the shadow mage hurled attacks at the fish-men as they reached the top, while the blue mage and Larian's tree stepped forward to blast and bat away any enemies that the others missed.

As Mod and Arsenal closed the distance in the air, Mod felt the soft psychic link return and gained a deeper understanding of the battlefield.

Krystal seemed strained. She stood in the center of her allies, unmoving, solely focused on repairing the constant damage to the ice.

An ice mage on another roof copied Krystal's spike defenses, but the third team didn't have that luxury. Their team was huddled in the center of the highest roof and fighting for their lives. Fire and magic and explosions echoed across the roof. Serenity hovered above the fray, using her psychic power on the frenzied soldiers, slowing and confusing them. Tuke circled around, yanking unsuspecting soldiers off the roof. Meanwhile, the other capes hurled blasts and bombs with reckless abandon.

Even with Serenity and Tuke aiding them, the third team was losing ground.

"We need to help Serenity's roof," Mod said.

"Already on it," Arsenal replied. She burned hotter and rocketed toward the building.

But something else was climbing out of the water, and it took Mod a second to realize that he was seeing one of the shock troopers.

Each of its limbs was longer than a soldier was tall. It climbed over the mass of soldiers like a giant spider, covering an entire floor with each step.

Arsenal veered toward the new monster, her and Mod clearly thinking the same thing.

"Party crasher," Arsenal called out. It was a move similar to fastball, except that Arsenal was the lead.

She spun once, just enough to toss Mod upward. Momentum carried Mod through the air, and for a moment, the two of them flew parallel toward their target. Then Arsenal burned hot, accelerating like a missile.

The spider-like creature turned toward the new sound. Too late—

Arsenal slammed into the giant fish-man, tackling it through the glass. Both of them disappeared into the building. Mod was a breath behind them. His momentum carried him close enough to lash out with his whip and pull him through the shattered window.

Mod skidded to a halt beside Arsenal. Both already had their axe and blasters raised. They were standing in the middle of a suite of offices. Papers and broken furniture were strewn across the floor where Arsenal had crashed through.

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