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Three Months Later

Shay Shay💋

Today was the day I find out the gender of the baby. Cece was in charge of the baby shower and I hoped nothing would go wrong.

I was awoken by the smell of breakfast. Opening my eyes I saw Geo in an apron with a tray in his hand.

I couldn't help but laugh.

“Oh my gosh Geo...a wah dis!”i laughed.

“Breakfast in bed,”he smirked.

“Plus yuh fi read mi apron to,”he said putting down the tray on the bed so I could read what was on his apron.

It said,"Kiss The Chef,".

“Mi cyah read,”i joked and he laughed as I pulled him down for a kiss.

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth,then went back to the room to eat the breakfast he had brought for me.

I was about to start eating when he stopped me. He took up the fork and started to feed me.

”Seriously,”i laughed.

“Yes seriously,”he said.

After breakfast we got ready to leave. We were supposed to be at Leo's place by 10:00am.

I got dressed in a white dress and Geo got dressed in a white shirt and light blue jeans.

“Yuh memba fi tek e vitamin dem b,”he called from the bathroom.

“Mi go tek them now,”i answered.

I went over to the table and opened the drawer to take out the bottle of vitamins and iron tablets the nurse had given me when I went to the clinic.

I took out two of the red capsules and two of the dark blue ones which where the iron tablets. I went downstairs for some water and when mi tell yuh seh mi cyah tek pill...trust mi...mi cyah tek e.

A one by one mi a tek dem and a bout wah entire two minutes mi a tek fi swallow e pill.

We were ready to leave, so we got into the car and left.
We pulled up at Leo's around 10:15,mainly because we did haffi stop cause mi did wah vomit.

“Shay...unuh finally arrive,”said Cece.

“Yeah...so unuh ready fi start,”i said.

“Wait mi ago set up e camera,”she said running into the house.

I went to go greet Geo's parents and his brother.

The backdrop looked amazing, with all the balloons and a sign that said Boy or Girl?

We took some pictures and played some games then it was actually time for the big reveal.

Everyone gathered around and me and Geo stood in front of the backdrop,we both had canons in our hands,that was filled with either blue or pink powder.

Right now mi nervous as hell. Mi hope a wah girl. Geo and e troupes seh a wah bwoy mi go have so at this point mi a shake.

“Countdown,”said Cece and they began counting.


I looked at Geo he seemed a whole lot more nervous than I was,I could practically see it in his face.


We popped the canons,a bright blue powder  popped out of it,covering our white clothes.

Bro mi feel like mi did ago bawl,while Geo dem a run up and down a loud up dem mouth.

“Congratulations!”said Mrs Wright.

“Thanks,”I said.

“How yuh feel?”asked Cece smiling.

“Not bad...just know seh dah pickney yah ago bruk bad,”i said and she hugged me.

“E surprise nuh done yet,”she said and I heard Geo calling me.

I turned around and I could not believe it,he was on one knee with a ring in his hand.

Bro when mi tell yuh seh tears come a mi eyes. Mi cyah believe this right now,mi heart a race to how me nervous and me have mi hand a cover mi face.

“Shay words cyah explain how much yuh mean to mi right now and mi serious at this point...a from mi heart this a come from mi love yuh and mi cyah imagine mi self wid nuh body else fi e rest a mi life...so b...will you marry me?”he said.

I'm too excited to speak.

“Me want yuh fi e rest a mi life... so Ashley Anecia Smith can I be your husband?”he said a nervous grin on his face.

I took a deep breath,right now mi face probably red like wah tomato.

“Yes,”i said nodding and I stretched out my hand so that he could put on the ring.

It was so cute and a perfect fit at that.

He got up and gave me a hug and I buried my face in his chest.

“Congrats guys!!!”said Cece laughing.

“Yuh did know?”i asked.

“Everything,”she said.

“Mi did nervous yuh fuvk b...mi think yuh did ago seh no to how long yuh tek fi answer,”he said smiling.

“Mi know....mi coulda see it pon yuh face,”i said and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Yuh cyah imagine how happy mi be right now,”he said as he kissed me.

“Mr and Mrs Wright peeps,”said Jay with a bottle of dragon in his hand and they all clapped.

They then turned the music up and Geo went to party with the boys while,Cece,Mrs Wright and the others lured me inside.

In the living room was a ton of baby clothes.

“Oh my gosh...deh look cute,”i said getting all emotional as I sat on the sofa and went through all of them.

“This ago fit him perfectly,”said Mrs Wright showing me a little jumpsuit with some little ducklings on it.

“Aww...mi cyah imagine him inna it,”i said.
Earth to Geo🌚

Mi heart did still a beat fast,if yuh know how mi did stress out ah nervous e entire morning.

A Monday Leo follow mi go buy e ring a wah store a Clarendon,if yuh know how much place mi search fi find e perfect one.

The time was already getting dark, it was just 6:26pm.

My mom,dad and Kevin were gonna stay at my place for the night and then leave tomorrow so I decided it was time to leave.

“Yo b we ago leave now,”i said walking into the living room.

A weh dem get so much baby clothes from.

“Yah fi go put dem inna e car,”said Shay.

So after six trips outside all of the bags were in the car.

Kevin ago carry mommy and pops inna fi him car so all a e bag dem did haffi pack inna my car.

After,saying goodbye,I drove out of Leo's driveway and hit the highway.

“Yuh alright?”i asked Shay, who was a bit too quiet.

“Yeah,”she said and I glanced at her,placing my hand on her thigh.

“Yuh sure?”i asked.

“Yes,”she said laughing and I grinned.
Team Seo for life💯

Please continue to vote guys...nuff love❤

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