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Ren sniffs, he thinks he's found exactly what he was looking for...

Night never lasts long with this season, nor does the cool air, as it will likely grow hot in 5 hours. The desk chair has grown almost softer, and the sky is more lilac as he stares contently up to it. He can't quite put a description to this thing, but he wants whatever this is; If one could put it into something, he would.

It's his only inspiration currently, and it's disappointing when there's an instant notice of the sky brightening just a smidge more.

There's plenty of times Ren can recall seeing night grow to morn, but there's something so surreal about this one in specific. He concludes there'd almost be no recreating it.

Groggily, he gets up, trudging over to the bed and its soft sheets; And he decides to sleep in...

< - - - - ->

Ren never expected any sentiments to stay after the first game. He was thankful for the service of his friends, and left it at that.

But when his hand pulls him up, fragile from the wreckage, bucket, smoke. There's just something about it; He can't get away. They work well together, really really well together, but that barely even scratches the surface of it. They know each other, as one another's half; Not even two sides of the same coin, just the same front.

He doesn't want to put the pressure on Martyn, but he doesn't think they'll be separated anytime soon...

< - - - - ->

He awakens like every other time in this world, uneventful, dull. It feels like the same shenanigans over and over; "And that's ok", he thought.

Hermitcraft was his home, filled with friends, memories, natural beauty; Something he's always wanted to share, rather than keep to himself. The games aren't as peaceful as this place, it was obvious.

He wonders what some of them would think of Hermitcraft: BigB, Scott, Martyn...

< - - - - ->

The two made it to the top of the tower to find it empty. With such a long way up to climb the two rest for a second after looking through all of Pearl's belongings. Martyn sits at the window, and Ren joins him; The sun is starting to rise, and once again they are together. It's no Hermitcraft sunrise, but it was a damned good one.

Martyn leans his head on Ren's shoulder, yawning. It was really late, they were both tired; But they still had a long way to go. They haven't found Pearl yet, they were running out of time.

Morning ended when Ren gently shakes Martyn awake.

"Hmm- What?"

< - - - - ->

" He knows just how to keep things interesting" Ren thinks. No one's really tolerated his imagination this much, but Martyn's just as talented in that sense.

It's one of the things Ren really likes about Martyn; Knowing you're not alone in your behaviors. They've made yet again another unique story together, unprompted, yet so in place.

Ren hopes he can make it up to Martyn this time; That they'll win Last Life...

< - - - - ->

"I thought you'd leave for Martyn, go off on your adventure and never come back"

That didn't seem fully inaccurate. As stated before, the two are barely inseparable. It was more than coincidence at this point, there was no one better fit for a king...

It's one of those moments Ren is reminded that he's a bit more attached to Martyn than he expected, and his ears droop in worry that others may be mad at him for this; that Martyn could potentially be mad at him for this. But who could blame him really?

He probably should've left, but he's afraid of what would happen if he did; He didn't want to lose Martyn again.

< - - - - ->

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