3: Artificial

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"The manoeuvre is complete

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"The manoeuvre is complete. A safe orbit has been maintained."

Leanne realised she had been grasping the arms of her seat in a death grip. She had expected at any moment for a disaster: a breach in the hull, a malfunction in the heat shields, a gust of poisonous air infecting her re-breather... None of them had occurred. As she looked at the projected trajectory of the Chimera, she saw that it was in the green, blinking securely. Valkyrie had delivered on its promise.

She gradually released her grip. "It is done?" she asked.

"Yes, the manoeuvre is complete. A safe orbit has been maintained. Station-keeping will have to be performed in a regular manner, but I can take care of that."

"No, it is alright. I shall do that. Just alert me when it is needed."

"Ms Ziegler, with respect, the controls of this ship are under strict security, some of which only I can access. They are intended to be performed by someone with many hours in this vessel."

"I know. You shall have to teach me, then. And it is 'Miss Ziegler'... or 'Commander Ziegler' I guess now."

"Okay, Miss Ziegler."

Leanne could not read the tone of the AI. She supposed it did not have a 'tone', only frequencies and algorithms programmed into it. One of those codes might have been the one which had interfered with Phaethon. Leanne could not bring herself to trust the thing, not with Cliff's body still floating in the depths of space. A tight band squeezed around her chest at the thought. God, she should not be here alone.

The sudden restriction made her think of what still needed to be done. If she were to have any hope of survival, she had to reawaken the other systems onboard. Firstly, whatever Environmental Controls the Chimera had: oxygen generators, carbon scrubbers, heating panels, atmospheric checkers... Then, comms, both internal and external. She wanted to know what was happening on the ship as much as what was happening outside of it. She was operating entirely on her own volition, past the scope of her orders. Even just a flicker of acknowledgment from the BASE or Nerio would be enough.

Would a rescue or recovery team come for her? Or had she been thrown to the mercy of the Chimera, of Valkyrie?

"Can you show me a blueprint of this ship?" Leanne asked. "I need to know where the system controls are. Oxygen, comms, energy..."

"I'm sorry, Miss Ziegler, I cannot show you any blueprints or plans. They are..."

"Under strict security, yeah. I thought so. Can you at least tell me where I can find them?"

"I would be happy to direct you."

"Fine. Okay."

Leanne checked her exosuit readings as she left the cockpit, ushered along by Valkyrie. The O2 levels were still dropping, indicating she had just over two hours left. Desperately, she looked to see if any messages had been patched through to her but the radio signals were still negative. Only radiation and the voice of Valkyrie surrounded her.

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