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Ethan Asher Hart

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Ethan Asher Hart

"Mmcht pa get back nigga" I said mushing Kyson's head from my face making him mug me.

I laughed and he side eyed me making me laugh harder, and he pushed me off his bed making me fall with a thud.

"Dickhead" I said catching an attitude since ts hurt and he just stared at me blankly.

"Shouldn't have mushed my head" he said picking me up and sitting me in his lap.

"But what you wanna do today?" He asked and I thought for a minute

"We should see a movie and go to the mall with gang" I said and he nodded since it's been a minute since we all hung out.

"Rd imma get in the shower while you text em" he said pecking my lips before going to the bathroom.

I grabbed his phone since it was closer and texted the group chat.

-y'all we finna go to the mall and the movies in
an hour so get ready fuckers!

Elijah🩸-were we meeting at first?

-nigga the mall duh 🙄

Elijah🩸-Mane Ethan give my homie his phone back👺

-Nahh but Tyler,bubba and Jaden do yall know what we doing?

Jaden😭-yeah nigga damn


Zeek-👽copy that sir

-rd see ya'll at the mall👹
I put Kyson's phone down and grabbed his remote going to Disney+ I turned on recess and laid back in the bed my eyes glued to the tv.

I started getting sleepy after a minute and was closing my eyes when the bathroom door opened and I heard footsteps and a deep voice.

"Ma wake up and get ready" Kyson said making me groan knowing he was right.

"Paa just 5 minutes" I whined pouting and he laughed before putting on some boxers and socks.

"Cmon ma yk you gon be hype to see Tyler and Eli" he said and I smacked my lips before going to the bathroom.

I showered and brushed my teeth even though I already did just wanted to make sure my teeth looked good.

I went back into the room and looked inside one of kyson's drawers which was filled with some of my clothes.

I looked through it and decided on a white tee, a black and red varsity jacket,black ripped jeans with red designs on them with white outlines and white and red Jordan's.

I finished getting dressed and put on some jewelry and cologne before grabbing my phone and wallet and going downstairs where Kyson was.

He looked up from his phone and bit his lip as he looked me up and down he made a 'come here' motion with his finger and I walked closer to him.

When I got close enough he pulled me closer by my waist and grabbed my chin kissing me while rubbing my ass.

He slid his tounge in my mouth while grabbing my neck making me softly moan and pull back.

"Pa we gotta go" I said and he smacked his lips before kissing me one more time before we left.
"Ooh these fire" I said holding up a pair of blue and white Jordan's with graphic designs on them.

"Yeah them shits tough" Eli said admiring the shoes with me. We were so amazed by the shoes that we didn't hear the others calling us until somebody hit Eli in the back of his head.

"Mane wtf" he said looking over at Tyler glaring at him.

"So y'all ain't hear us callin ya'll niggas?" Zeek asked making me and Eli shake our heads and shrug in unison.

"Anyways what was y'all looking at?" Jaden asked making us show everyone the shoes.

"Dem shits tough" Kyson said smiling

"Yeah nigga" I said holding my hand out to dap him up making him mug me.

"Don't start Ma" he said making me laugh

"Anyways how much are they?" Kyson asked and I looked at the prices.

"In my size they 630 and 700 in Eli's size" I said and Kyson nodded

" so which ones did y'all like?" Jaden asked us

"Shi I liked the grey and E liked the white" Eli said and Kyson hummed before getting one the workers attention.

"Aye can I get these in a size 7 1/2 in blue and these in a size 9 in grey!" He said and the worker nodded and went to the back.

"Uhm you buying them for me?"Eli asked Kyson just hummed making him smile and dap him up and thanked him, I gave him a hug and did the same.

We all went to the counter once the worker came back with the shoes.

"Will this be cash or credit?"

"Credit" Kyson said getting his black card out and handing it to the lady.

"Okay your total is 1,330" She said swiping the card and handing it back to Kyson.

She bagged the shoes up and gave him the receipt and we thanked her and left.

"Thanks pa!" I said "yeah thanks kyson" Eli said and we did our lil handshake.

"Def finna be matching tomorrow twin" Eli said making me nod and we laughed, but I could see out the corner of my Tyler looking mad asf.


I thought but continued walking and heading to the movie theater.

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