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(To make things less confusing this takes place after turkey escapes Boss fighting stages)

After beating BFS turkey made it out! Sure took a few chapters, but now she is back at her friends house. So what do you do when you escape a roblox game? Play a roblox game! Turkey hop back on the computer and scroll few some games, gambling game, bad game, weird game, worst game, and even is this allowed game. She stumbled across a game called get a snack at 4AM, sounds interesting enough and she press play. Another bright white screen blinded her, as she closes her eyes tightly....

Turkey pov -
Once I open my eyes I heard a voice, my voice to tell you.

I am interrupting your sleep to say that you are starving.
You appear to be waking up due to your starvation.
You honestly can't sleep in this condition, so I advise getting a late night snack.
Just try to be sneaky about it, okay?
Anyway, you're waking up. I'll see you soon.

See you soon? Isn't this me... talking to myself? Why would it say see you soon, I sat up on my bed and faces to a 9 year old child... he stared at me, waving at me seemingly confused.
"Who are you..."

No answer from them, well I check that it says no communication so I guess they can't speak. I got off of the bed, looking around.
"Do we just... get a snack?"

He nods yes, he motions me to follow them which I did because no child can do a lot of harm right? Well anyways when walking out of the room, I can hear someone... someone snoring.. in the bathroom, strange place to sleep in why not the living room? But I was told to be sneaky so I guess it makes my goal easier. He led me to the kitchen which have a... basically food of course, I looked in the fridge to see just a head, cobweb, money, and a cola. I didn't take the money because it wasn't really my house it's a child house why would I rob from a child, so I went ahead and take the cola. I took a sit next to... player! Since their name is on their jacket, he stared at me as I drink so I begin to talk, a bit awkward because he couldn't speak.

"So... I'm turkey!"
"I know my name sounds weird but it is my name!"
"It's so awkward talking to a person who can't speak."
He looks at me confused, for some reason.

Players pov-
I thought she wouldn't know that I couldn't speak, despite all the other Y/N didn't know that, and they keep falling in love ew. Well this is kind of new tho and I'm not complaining, she yapping about stuff that isn't important to me and I wonder, why did she ask if we just get a snack right off the bat. I know we just get a snack at 4AM but this is strange. But never the less I should you know, get my ending. I pointed at the chips staring at her, she looked at me confused wondering why I am point at the chips, she grabs the chips and hand it to me.
"Player, did you want it? You know it wasn't far away right?"
I nodded no, I now pointed at her, let's just hope that she gets what I'm saying, I haven't learn sign language because my dad is sleeping and I don't have internet access so cashier phone is the only way I can learn sign language, I only know a few.
"Do you want me to eat these?"
I nodded yes, hoping that she will eat it and I can get my chip ending, I ate way too many chips now. But then she grabbed my hand, suggesting that we eat in the bedroom since someone is snoring in the bathroom. She sat on the floor as she ate the chips, I stared at her while sitting on the bed just waiting for her to hurry up. She finished the chips and threw them away, as the objective say go to bed.
"So do I sleep on the floor?"
I pointed at the bed, she got on the bed and sleep, I got the ending, not what I want but hey a ending is a ending.

No one pov -

You successfully got to bed

(735 words, not including the ( _ ) message)

Snacking at 4AM. Till foreverWhere stories live. Discover now