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Turkey pov -
I woke up again, I sat up in bed and saw player wasn't there. This is his house right where is he? But whatever I guess I could explore the house? I get out of bed and explored the house, going to that room with the snoring noises...

I gently open the door.

To see a bathroom, I thought it was gonna be a bedroom but then again there were no rooms for bathrooms. I saw a dad, sleeping, a father figure on his shirt says it. I look around the room, a one big toothpaste that made a hole in the wall, where's the 2nd one? And tons of toilet paper on the toilet and the floor... but I took the toothpaste because why not? I exit the bathroom and then as I went to the living room I see front door open, is player out here? I exit the house-


... what was that? I enter back in and out, nothing. Strange enough, I walk on the road, I mean there isn't cars going by and it isn't a busy street. Oh look there is a store! I entered inside the busted up store.

"Hello welcome to the inconvenience store."
"Please place a item on the counter to purchase."

The store inside it's messed up, money on the ground, a shelf is on the ground, how in the Roblox physics- oh wait I forgot it's Roblox so things can float without a reason. I looked around the store and saw the sphere... it looks so.. important? It's a orb.... I grab it-

Your store space is full!


Cashier pov -
This child keep on touching the orb, her oily goofy finger is getting all over it... I yelled out to her, "Get your nasty hands off of the orb." That caught her attention, she slowly turn to me... walked up to me and.. pulled out a toothpaste? What is she?


I grab the toothpaste out of her hands, her mouth drooling out toothpaste. This kid..
"Kids these days... are you this dumb? You can't just drink toothpaste like that!"
I scolded her, but once I said that player entered the store, wait... isn't that not player? I looked at them both confused. Player showed that his toothpaste is missing, wait did she drank players toothpaste-

Player pov -
DID SHE JUST DRANK TOOTHPASTE? OH NO, I can't just let her have the toothpaste ending! I shake turkey violently hoping she barf out the toothpaste or something. But she ended up exploding, I looked back at cashier, he looked traumatized.
I looked at him.
"What the FUCK just happened?"
I shrugged, not wanting him to know that I'm aware what just happen. But genuinely it felt right. And as the ending screen comes down for the ending.

No one pov-

Toothpaste ending
You drank toothpaste.

Word count : 500

Snacking at 4AM. Till foreverWhere stories live. Discover now